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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. who remembers where you were 30 years ago when the space shuttle challenger exploded

  2. SQL page on Facebook dont like the new amps from Tony. Laughed at price tag. If you are on the forum dont dog Tony or Steve on Facebook I will call you out in a heartbeat. They may act as friends on here but there talking about on other forums. You guys know who you are.

    1. meade916


      @hdorre yup and guess what? they always come back here. The cunt shit who is talking shit on that page is SURELY reading this now. I am not a member of that fuck ass group so i don't know exactly who it is but no doubt he is a fuck shit.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  3. SQL page on Facebook dont like the new amps from Tony. Laughed at price tag. If you are on the forum dont dog Tony or Steve on Facebook I will call you out in a heartbeat. They may act as friends on here but there talking about on other forums. You guys know who you are.

    1. meade916


      the amps have nothing to do with me, it's all D'Amore. But i can tell you this, like was said above, for what it is and what you get it is about right. Plus, where else can you call the person who designed and hand built it if something goes wrong? best CS you have ever seen. For life too. Maybe once they are mass produced in china the price can come down and the shit talking can go up. lol FUCKIN INTERNOOBS

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  4. SQL page on Facebook dont like the new amps from Tony. Laughed at price tag. If you are on the forum dont dog Tony or Steve on Facebook I will call you out in a heartbeat. They may act as friends on here but there talking about on other forums. You guys know who you are.

    1. meade916


      bitch ass shit talkers if i find out someone is a member here and talking shit on FB about me they will be banned on the spot. I HATE double agents, turn coats and fake ass motherfuckers.

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  5. SQL page on Facebook dont like the new amps from Tony. Laughed at price tag. If you are on the forum dont dog Tony or Steve on Facebook I will call you out in a heartbeat. They may act as friends on here but there talking about on other forums. You guys know who you are.

  6. Im in love! MariahB 1-18-2016 7lbs 2oz 20".. I Fuckin love it

  7. ATTENTION EVERYONE WHO IS ON RIGHT NOW! SITE IS GOING DOWN FOR 3-5 MINUTES AT 8PM PACIFIC TIME (IN ABOUT 45 MIN). We have to install security updates to the server.

  8. so one of the most popular threads on here gets locked over a little piece of shit that no one even want around?

  9. Memorial Service and Celebration of Ian Fraser "Lemmy" Kilmister https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSAXVdIj6jY

  10. Lets build a Voltmeter then bash SM on Facebook saying yours is better.

    1. meade916


      i didn't see anything but then again i haven't looked. I already forgot ALL their names including the main guy something with a D in it or something like that. Good to see i am on all their minds 24/7 lol

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Lets build a Voltmeter then bash SM on Facebook saying yours is better.

    1. meade916


      i am used to nobody really sticking up for me and i get it, nobody wants to spend the day arguing with some retarded cheerleaders on FB. But i am definitely used to fighting my own battles alone. As for Chode hitting like on his posts, i can't make people not like other things besides mine. I mean i am way more loyal to my friends than the next man but if other people don't feel the same, i can't help that. As long as he aint talking shit about me, i can't really get upset...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  12. that moment when some Skeletor looking tweaker calls me fat and looks like he has been up 4 days. Ill take the food over the meth, thank you very much. Stay skinny, Skela' bro.

  13. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. meade916


      i am just in a state of shock that is all...hoping it isn't true although my sources are pretty solid. But it's just sad. Way sad.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  14. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. meade916


      @broke....is liing, thieving, snitching, informing and setting up your so-called friends ever a good thing? lol. What is even worse is now i have a good suspicion who stole some shit from my shop last Autorama. And people wonder why i trust NOBODY these days.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  15. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. meade916


      no. Way more known and trusted than that. And if you don't already know who i am talking about, this isn't a guessing game. So no need to post names of the innocent.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  16. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. meade916


      one of the most trusted there is and i am not involved so i ain't saying no names. But i am in SHOCK. You will be too.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  17. Liar? Thief? Snitch? Informant? Setup guy? SAY IT AINT SO!!! I am surprised this shit has not blown the car audio community on it's back. I haven't seen anything online yet. Lets just say, if someone tries to trade you something (that is illegal to mail) for an amp DON'T DO IT!!! I am in shock about what i heard the other day.

    1. meade916


      all i gotta say is PC UP. And i ain't talking about a computer. lol

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  18. Thanks again, Steve!

  19. Black Friday sale on all SMD products http://www.wcCarAudio.com - 35% off thru Cyber Monday!

  20. Happy Birthday Orionstang you fuck.

  21. I love when raiders fans make excuses because they lost

    1. meade916


      sorry but your inlaws aren't all "raiders fans". All the "raiders fans" i know said it was a good game. Niner fans have no hope, they might need a new team to root for. lol

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  22. Think im gonna break down and buy a PS4, the Black Ops 3 bundle. Seems everywhere has it for $429. Anybody seen cheaper?

  23. Didn't put the car on the battery tender before I went to college. Turned to accessory, 11.6v. Fuck me. Poor batteries.

  24. Steve re(dust) capping a old fisher driver........priceless....

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