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Everything posted by tacomaguy1

  1. 1.4 strapped, so .7 each? That would be no problem for those amps. 8 3100's? These are completely different amps, but my teammate was running his dc 9k's at .7 strapped (.35 each) lol
  2. yes, it would handle it if you have the electrical to back it up. Set your gains right and let it rip Ran my older sundown 3k at .33 for 6 months and it was fine. Only time it would protect was when I tried to burp it at .2 lol
  3. yeah, it was kind of hard to explain. It works good in trunks so you don't have to be climbing in trying to screw something on from the backside
  4. i dont follow for some reason crappy picture, but should give you an idea. That piece coming off the side is what i'm talking about. glue strips set back off the face 3/4". So when you attach a piece of 3/4" wood to it, it's flush with the baffle
  5. put strips of mdf around the edges of the box you want to seal off, set them back 3/4". That will give you something to screw the wood to and it will be flush. Or set it back however thick the wood is that you will make the trim panels out of
  6. Please dont be a tool that makes their stock exhaust loud by hacking it up. Louder doesnt equal faster Repack it like he said and save for an aftermarket setup
  7. bet it was heat....my 3100 under the hood did it until I got the heat wrap, so did my d975
  8. dc9k ab 1100.1 cactus sounds k9 crossfire has a big one out now also
  9. it's not made to be the next thing in subwoofer technology.....the guy made a working subwoofer, probably out of stuff laying around. Yes, it's not practical at all but it's not meant to be
  10. Dustcap started to come unglued? The dustcap is pulling up some of the cone? I beat on mine hard all day long and they're fine. 5500 on 2
  11. yeah, just got 2 glasspacks put on an old van and new pipe ran to the back for like $135
  12. ran my 2 xcons on a 3500d, my 2 zcons are on a 5500d That guy with the camaro has 4 5ks and 4 18's zcons...says they take the power fine
  13. I hate it when my neighbor comes over while i'm working on my truck...we call him "stay at home dad" cause he doesn't do shit all day lol I just want to work on my stuff and not have to talk to anyone
  14. psp-inc.com calculator will tell you how long they need to be volume of a cylinder is pie(3.14) x radius^2 x height. So 3.14x9x whatever length will give you the displacement. oh yeah, then divide by 1728. Then I guess add on a little for the flares
  15. http://www.ceautoelectricsupply.com/turnonrelaykits.html link to the relays if anyone was looking for them
  16. ^^^ Do that. Don't do the A/C idea. A/C has moisture in the air and it will condensate on your amps and most likely blow them or throw them into protect. so having the ac on in my truck is bad for my amp since it's in the cab of my truck? He doesn't have to put the a/c duct directly on top of the amp....just entering the space back there to keep the temp down
  17. if you're worried get some fans back there....or tap into the ac for the back seats and run new lines back there?
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