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Everything posted by ChillMasterWill

  1. the hardest thing to control is a revengeful attitude, just keep calm, let karma do it's job & get your popcorn ready it's gonna be a good show...

  2. I give everyone benefit of the doubt, people do things to burn the bridge & then wonder why I cut em' loose, when you cross me it's done bridge burned & don't try to "cross it again" that won't happen, I'm the type of person that it's good and beneficial to know I help folks all I can but as long as they're benefiting from it it's cool, I'm a true friend til the end and the end is the keyword if you ever get on my bad side expect to stay there, no re-dos, it is what it is & that's real talk...

  3. music is a powerful mind mellowing experience...

  4. what up what up, accomplishments, waking up, then working out my back/shoulders, then work, have a bald head smoove one people, later :)

  5. never heard of Skar Audio? you "Will"...

  6. who all has somebody that time they hear your system they go back in time and say stuff like dude I had(or a cousin, uncle, etc, etc) a system that sounded like that and hit that hard way, way back, I broke windows and everything set off car alarms and such, but them I be like there was no big power amps and such way back in the day to make such loudness or I nod my head like yeah uh huh okay but I have this loud system now....

  7. has had a very productive day, now it's chill time, BCS National Championship game my prediction Alabama-17, LSU-10 :)

    1. tdsa23


      Hope its a better game then last time. I got bama winning to.

  8. Monday again, Skar Audio For The Win!

  9. kids are bringing other kids just for a demo of my Skar Audio subs, hell yeah :)

  10. smiling as I notice my kids are becoming "thinkers/improvisors" like me, yeah proud dad swag

  11. is a Skar Audio bass connoisseur...

  12. Reppin SKAR Audio HYFR!

  13. people say you're gonna lose your hearing playing your stereo so loud and I say "Huh?" LMAO!

    1. Bigsix


      whaa? I cant her you...

    2. dfoland93


      Hahaha i do that to everyone!!!

    3. dfoland93


      Hahaha i do that to everyone!!!

  14. having a superbly awesome New Year's day, did some shopping, wore my Skar Audio shirt, grilling us some steaks, ready for my Cowboys to beat the Giants:)

  15. The New Year is here & mine has started off w/a blast hell yeah :)

  16. venting:I hook up audio systems for folks & all of them want a loud(like mine) audio system that hits hard for much of nothing like man I ain't got but 500-600 bucks but I want it to beat hard, I'm like nope that won't happen, people kill me...

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Welcome to the club lol.

    2. BeatBox


      they want to play but DONT WANT TO PAY. i hate that sht too

    3. SQMonte


      Gotta pay the cost to be the boss!

  17. bass is like an escape from life's BS sometimes I just sit in my rides or go for a drive turn the music up real loud and chill..

    1. Autruche


      I usually find a spot to park, recline the seat back, go full tilt and relax.

  18. just got my new Skar audio T-shirt in the mail today HYFR!

    1. Leepersc


      Nice dude, where'd you get the shirt?

    2. ChillMasterWill


      from Kevin at Skar email him

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