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Everything posted by RooTxBeeR

  1. I have, was looking to see if there might be any that aren't on there just yet. closest is 440 mile trip one way lol
  2. Check out the song Riot by Three Days Grace, that song gets down pretty good. And a lot of korn has some really nice bass lines.
  3. " Published on Jun 11, 2012 by redbull http://redbull.fr/matthiasdandois Winter in France is always tough for the riders. To avoid spending the cold season on his sofa, flat BMX world champion Matthias Dandois found himself a nice little hangar full of jumps and springboards in the outskirts of Paris. Away from the cold weather, he was able to learn new tricks and develop an emerging new style : street-flat. With his latest video Hibernation, Matthias once again demonstrates his passion for innovation Pas évident de s'entrainer en France durant l'hiver, une saison bien souvent rude pour les riders. Afin d'éviter de passer cette période hivernale allongé sur son canapé, Matthias Dandois, tripple champion du monde de BMX Flat, a aménagé un hangar en banlieue parisienne avec quelques modules pour continuer son entrainement. A l'abri du mauvais temps et du froid, il a pu continuer d'apprendre de nouveaux tricks et développer ce style qui lui est propre, entre Street et Flat. Dans sa dernière vidéo, "Hibernation", Matthias nous démontre encore une fois sa passion pour l'innovation. - More info on Matthias Dandois : http://redbull.fr/matthiasdandois - Music : http://www.facebook.com/millionbeats Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=redbull" Does not give any information to the song that is played in this. The link if oyu read it, goes to a facebook page...
  4. I played this while I had my laptop connected and it has some nice sweeps that get in the high 20's atleast. Along with that, check the video out to for what it is, guy is a world glass flatlander, taught himself street bmx, and now mixed the two. If anyone can help out with the name of the song, awesome!
  5. Enjoying my bump! Had it for a while, never update this thing lol

  6. You should put a SQL set up in there to compliment the quality and beastliness of that car.
  7. In the exact same enviornment, ported will be louder than sealed.
  8. Also, Y-Slpitters can be picked up from radio shack for around $5 a pop, not to bad for local!
  9. Original post was so unprofessional and crappy looking. Redid the entire post so everyone check it!!!
  10. This is a local group out by me based out of Chicago. They got some seriously good beats and rhymes. Check these guys out! Here is a soundcloud with some of their stuff. I would have to say my favorites from this group of songs is Blown Away, Demonstration, Rap Hard Rock Harder and the Wild Boy Remix. Here's the sound cloud http://soundcloud.co.../sets/music-371 Heres the facebook page! https://www.facebook...osein2addiction Check them out and let me know what you guys think! You won't be dissapointed with what you hear. Comatose!!!! (x_0) Their on Youtube too!!!
  11. Hahahaha, damn man that sucks!!! I wish I went to slamology, did you get it louder since the meet up we all had in arlington heights?
  12. I am trying to find someone to see if I can get to use there CC-1, really need to get my filters set properly.
  13. I am going to lol so hard when you car goes up and your insurance is denied because they sommehow stumbled across this comment.
  14. Wow man, I never thought ud have to fuse the power wire for the voltmeter, that's crazy. I guess you should just say, fuse any power wire that is in someway connected to the main charging source
  15. Seriously, he never once said louder, and from the very begining described SQ pretty well in what he wanted. To the OP, Like ^^^ Said, for the best would be to go active crossovers, which is where each speaker is connected tot he amp, not through the crossovers. Find yourself an amplifier that has the lowest THD you can find, with the highest Damping factor you can get. That will help with producing the best clarity. Then as far as speakers go, look up the different types of materials woofers and tweets are made of, go to your local best buy or any place that has speakers set up that you can compare to get a real feel for how they sound. Before you purchase anything, make sure you have done a lot of research to make sure what your purchasing is going to do what you are looking for.
  16. I would suggest getting another 2 channel to run the super tweets if you go for them. As far as wiring them up, just use the provided crossovers that come with which ever set you choose and put a set to each channel, should work fine.
  17. I think from 1500 to 2000 you might notice a difference by ear, but the more power you go up, the less you will notice it. Very quick diminishing returns.
  18. Doing that will shorten it by way more than a single year. In my build I will be putting a D3100 in the wheel well of my honda which is only 5" tall, and I will be getting 2x4's placed on the bottom of the back around the wheel well. So I will have atleast 7" inches of height to work with to fit it under there.
  19. Check out the MB Quart FX1.600, does 600 watts at 2 Ohms, don't think it does 100% rated power though. As far as a box, a 3cu ft box would be pretty damn good for that sub to.
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