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Everything posted by Ecco

  1. I was gonna say that if you wanted to DJ, the Mac is the best option. All of the DJ equipment that I used had different problems when I used Windows machines, XP, Vista, and Windows 7. Pain in the neck. the funny thing is that the mixer boards and turntables say that they are compatible for Windows and Macs. Hope you have fun with the music!
  2. Seeing as others are making these topics, I got curious. Anyone from Oregon here? I'm in La Grande now, but I go to Portland for the holidays. I'd love to get demos of better systems, and to see what yall got! The only other person I know who's from Portland was that DJ guy who got all pissy at Decaf So, on behaf of Portland, I'm sorry haha.
  3. Don't make 2 topics of the same thing. besides, someone else gave you advise of where to look.. Come on, dude..
  4. You're price is pretty rediculous. Just sayin. I thought my 10" was cheap. haha. Well, live and learn, I guess. If you're a stickler to the budget and the 10", get that. I never knew subs could be that cheap. It might be a sign..
  5. I don't think a website exists where you can do all of that, or any of that for that matter.. Sorry
  6. Don't plasma's get ghosted images if it's mistreated? I have a 26" LCD, I just heard stories about plasmas. And for brands, Samsung, maybe Toshiba, Sony (if you can find one that's in your price range), more mainstream stuff like that. I have a Westinghouse TV, never heard of that brand in my life. And yesterday, I learned that that company made WWII helmets. Anywho, were you planning on getting this in a store or online?
  7. Looks like the website has some bad links. Anyways, welcome! Can't wait to see those subs!
  8. I just had pop tarts.. This makes me want to experiment though. Hmmmm.. These sound like great sandwiches though. Mmmm!
  9. Or just dont ask the same question in different forms and keep asking it til you get an answer you are looking for. Zing. Anywho, welcome bro. I kinda wanna see your setup now. What's your ride, anyways?
  10. I'm gonna take a guess and say that you hunt. haha Nice Ford, gotta love em!
  11. My friend has a sundown sub in a shallow box behind the passenger seat in his reg cab Ram. It's a prefab box (ew), but it shakes the cab well, and there's still plenty of leg room on the passenger side (I'm 6'3" and I fit).
  12. No. The old styles are on the top of the system, with a separate way of connecting. The new ones use a SATA plug (PCs and the PS3), but the size is unique. The PS3 uses a laptop hard drive, which makes upgrading easy.
  13. Man, he sure has a shiner... Glad he still can laugh about something as bad as falling in the bathroom!
  14. Either he'll email you, or you need to contact him yourself telling him what you did. I put in the wrong email, he asked me what my username was, I emailed him back, and before 8 in the morning, it was done.
  15. This one has always been my favorite.
  16. It would be nice, but the folks in power say no. Oh well, the time will come. Maybe.
  17. Nice song! From what it sounds like on my weak computer setup, I'm sure it's great. Is that the original, or has it been boosted?
  18. It really depends where you are. If there's motorcycles around quite a bit and/or construction, it's fine. But if you're in a quiet neighborhood, or an area with people driving with their windows down and radios off, it's not the best idea to blast it.
  19. I'd love that. All I get are older people glancing at me. I keep the bass down enough to where it's nothing bad. Me and a friend had a bass contest-type thing, where we just listen to each other's systems. And I do believe I won (bigger box, both sealed). I'm running my 10" DC Level 2, and he's running a 12" Kenwood. It was fun to hear the differences from each others systems, in the different cab sizes. All we got were angry neighbors. I think it'd be funny to make a group of people dance, though. Good deal!
  20. I got mine pretty fast. I just bought it at night, Steve emailed me because I used a different email, I replied with the correct email, and in about an hour, I was a bronze member. Basically, just be patient.
  21. I think that's the best way to quit a job right there.
  22. Does he not have a landline? Hope you hear back from him soon, that really does suck.. Sorry to hear that it's taking so long, he must have a good reason, I'm sure..
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