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Everything posted by mbdblue

  1. pretty cool looking man. similar to what I have planned
  2. looks pretty good man but holy shit your keychain freaked me the fuck out. looks exactly like mine (DC lanyard and 791xv remote)
  3. can't post it on both forums man! hahaha I should have known....
  4. JBL, power acoustik, phoenix gold, MP audio, Focal....
  5. Met Keith this past winter and saw the car. He also told me they were T3 recones and that he knew the owners personally who helped him. it was at an NESPL event....I didn't stay for the scoring cuz they started mad late (like 2 hours after scheduled time) and it was freezing out. I didn't have my system in at the time. I heard from one of the other people there that he scored something like a 162.XX or 163.XX not too sure on the exact number, but since it was an NESPL event, it might clear up what meter they use.
  6. a 10 minute bump really? looks like it could be decent but unless theres someone with 1st hand experience, its tough to tell just from a pic
  7. looked like he landed primarily on his hip....gotta be on some strong shit
  8. this is kind of a rant....mainly cuz I got laid off last thursday. Sucks because I actually didn't mind my job and working on military trucks. Kind of like contributing to the armed forces without having to sign up; makes ya feel good...but doesn't matter when they lose the contract.... anyway, Ive seen the title of mechanical design engineer alot now...when I was in school, they warned us of this. that is a made up position...meaning it never existed. it started as design engineers, now I guess they graduated to that title. meeting someone with a mechanical, design, and engineering background is very rare. personally, I think its a companies attempt to eliminate positions by combining them. which will eventually bring some companies to there knees in my own opinion. there's a reason why there are designers and engineers. But unfortunately, I have to play the resume game again. hopefully Ill find something soon. Im getting bored as shit and Ive only been out of work for less than a week. I really don't want to apply for unemployment, but I will if I have too./rant
  9. Im on CACO right now....working fine for me. my internet did do something weird a few minutes ago though, wouldn't load any pages but that could be just me.
  10. I looked them up....I think they'll look incredibly gaudy but thats just me....
  11. not a stupid question..fiber glassed door panels do make a difference it'll give you a cleaner response as that each speaker has its on little pocket i have no experience with fiber glass but im doin mine this summer just gotta try it out you never know one of the only things a glassed panel allows you to do is move the speaker placement and direction its firing (or fit more speakers in a single door). having them enclosed could actually blow them out being that some if not most regular speakers are designed for infinite baffle. personally, I have tried enclosing mids (memphis PR6.5s) and it did have a favorable result, (my mids became a little more punchier) but I also had a large amount of space behind them. I couldn't tell you if these speakers would be good for an enclosed application being that I have no experience with them and Im guessing SlaPP doesn't either. nothing says a fiberglass panel will yield you a "cleaner response". to clarify, your looking for 4 speakers (or components) correct? Id just run a 4 channel and be done with it. you'd run 1 channel to each crossover. then each crossover would have a mid and tweeter. you don't need to be running at 2 ohms. and yes your speaker wire will be a higher gauge (smaller) than your power wire.
  12. I know its a long shot, but I also know there are a couple 4th gen prelude owners on here. Im looking for a set of the 5 spoke original honda rims (4x100 or 4x114.3) in decent shape (cosmetics like scuffs and scratches don't matter but lip damage/not holding air is debatable). I can get em on ebay but it would cost upwards of 550-700 bucks for all reconditioned. I did find a set aftermarkets that would look nice, but there are so many JDM-ed out hondas in my area and Id like to stay stock for appearance and theft reasons. theres actually a set of the 9 spokes on ebay right now for an awesome price but they are in VA and won't ship.
  13. came out pretty damn good man! and its not just you...bondo tends to do that.
  14. haha nice man....yeah, that and 1/3 of my left hand. I barely notice it anymore though, you get used to it...I have some feeling, its more tingly all the time. I just have to wear gloves when I go to the gym. doesnt seem to like the circular grip of the weights in my hand and starts aching.
  15. I watched one of my best friends get commissioned as 2nd lieutenant (Military Police) into the army last weekend...Id be lying if I said I wasn't fuckin proud of him...then he proposed to his GF an hour later
  16. one of the reasons I didn't join...I tend to not take it well when people yell in my face...well that and asthma haha
  17. know what you mean man, I have ulner nerve damage...first got it when I was at school in detroit. apparently I must have whacked my elbow pretty good (either sleeping or something else, I couldn't remember) and its been like this ever since. went to a neurologist that sent shocks through my arm to tell me what my dad had told me 2 weeks before; (hes been an MD for 30+ years). neuro said I may need surgery and wanted me to talk to a surgeon...I never went back.
  18. test the front battery. if its shot, replace it and put the other two in the back.
  19. sorry to hear this man. my thoughts go out to your cousins
  20. how old is your stock honda battery? depending on its age, Id probably replace it....
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