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Status Updates posted by JustinWilson

  1. Being done with my Investments Exam feels pretty good. I even feel like I did pretty well on it...

  2. Being dumped does not feel better from 7,000 miles away. A broken heart is still just that, BROKEN.

    1. Tribe Called Bass

      Tribe Called Bass

      well she ain't shit if shes doing it over the phone/interwebz. screw em homie.

    2. WastedTalent
    3. TylerParrish


      didn't you say the same exact thing yesterday?

  3. Black Team is finally done creating, revising, printing, and packing our deliverable packets for our mailing deadline tomorrow morning! Now let the Presentation rehearsal hell begin!

  4. Brandin Wilson and Tim Powers are coming up for Winter Carnival 2012!!! Can't wait for them to get here...they will have to party without me while I am out on statue for all-nighter! Bring it on Tech!

  5. Chilling in Standish all day Saturday and all night...who wants to do something, send me some messages!

  6. Class is over, time to brew some coffee and hit ice detail

  7. Cliff jumping at Canyon Falls...cya later Houghton

  8. Complete this Derivatives Project or die trying!

  9. Diablo III is pretty damn sweet!

  10. Do any of my friends read Barron's or WSJ? Recommended alternatives? I constantly read Bloomberg news on my phone but it doesn't seem to cover full topics well enough.

  11. Do you even game bro?Dana D'Alessandro

  12. Does anyone in the Houghton area want a ride down state (Saginaw area) this upcoming friday? It will just be for the weekend, I need to attend birthday parties and a car show.

  13. Done before 2am...WIN! Sleep, pack, drive...thats my today!

  14. Even with all of Blizzards downtime I think they deserve credit for continually giving updates as to when it will be back online....

  15. Exam at 2pm, then driving back to standish for friends, car shows, and hopefully the pride of wining!

  16. Final Semester at Michigan Tech, 18 credits, many trips... Highest GPA, 3.58, Dean's list for graduation! 14063 BUS 3900 01 Business Internship Main Campus A 14048 FIN 4300 R01 Personal Financial Planning Main Campus A 14500 FIN 4400 R01 Security Analysis Main Campus AB 14045 FIN 4500 R01 Financial Risk Management Main Campus B 14146 FIN 4803 01 Applied Portfolio Mgmt' III Main Campus A 14321 FIN 4990 0B Bank Management II Main Campus A 14151 HU 2281 R02 Lev I-A German Lang and Cult Ma...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lbox88


      Having a 3.82 GPA in professional dick sucking and cum guzzling isn't something most would be proud of.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Carry the fuck on sir!!

    4. Kyblack76


      Learn to write a post, and not a paragraph.. shit. You school going fucks, need to go back to school..

  17. Finally sitting down to get stuff done.

  18. For those of you I have not yet informed, I have officially accepted a position with Delta Air Lines, I will be relocating to Atlanta, GA and starting my new position on January 12th. This is a very exciting opportunity for me and I look forward to it very much.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      @B_A_A LOL!!!!!!!!!!

    3. n8ball2013


      I'll applaudthisguy. He did everything righttoland a job including changing his Facebook picture

    4. jdshott
  19. Found $21 in my pocket...loving today so far...

  20. Getting better, very slowly...but clearly better.

  21. getting ready to start the drive back to Houghton, tons to do tomorrow including a incredibly tough exam in derivatives...cant wait.

  22. gn facebook, tons of work to do tomorrow including an exam I have no idea how to prepare for...

  23. gn, APMP board meeting early early early!

  24. God I hope today's rally in the market becomes a trend, come on BULLS!!!

    1. n8ball2013


      um dont count on it.

    2. OrionStang


      We got us a dreamer.

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