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Status Updates posted by TheNewbie

  1. Sub is shipped, estimated to be here tomorrow.. I wanna see this beast :D

  2. Went to Ray's today, convential speakesr.. not proaudio. Got it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      I just pm'd ray earlier about that same question because my seleniums and super tweets sound great but take a lot of tuning to find the sound and since I am rebuilding I was going to run 2 6 2 8 and 2 super tweets but I saw a post by ray that had me rethinking I just want to run a 3 way setup that's sqish but I like the distance my setup now has and it still sounds clean pm me I have questions

    3. TheNewbie


      Your supertweets will get loud, as I was told BUT the don't have that overall kinda surround sound.. he has another word for it but it's aimed at one position rather than a convential tweet that covers more area if that makes sense.. YOU PM ME ahah :) to lazy.

    4. jg23


      nice meeting you today. i used to have 4 pro audio speakers and 4 aluminum tweets. no mid bass at all. as it is right now wiith only front stage 2 tweets 2 3s and 2 6s its WAY louder than it has ever been

  3. Wires or battery next paycheck? :D Won't get amp till last.. I'll be to tempted.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MarioB


      if your going to install it all at once then who cares, right either or

    3. TheNewbie


      Lol, I know.. Just trying to think what's more fun, I guess wiring being that I can at least do something in the mean time.

    4. BFF Larry
  4. Can someone explain what happens if I have a acid primary batt and a AGM second?..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      I'd also like the answer to that ?

    3. SnowDrifter


      Have I mentioned how confusing it is with you two having the same avatar? If not - this is me mentioning it :P

    4. TheNewbie


      Lol.. i had a picture of me and my girl.. well.. you know how that goes.. can't be mature here -_- Audio, it's not really to good for it being that acid is around 12.3-12.6 and AGM is 12.9-13.1 both with car off. The draw could be more from your acid battery, the draw is less if you have a newer acid battery but none the less overtime will ruin your AGM battery....

  5. Acid primary batt AGM batt in back... was told it's bad for my AGM batt? No bueuno. Gunna save up longer than I expected for AGM Prim

  6. Im going to run my amp at .5! Yes! More power! -_- no.. just.. no.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheNewbie


      Go buy me some more MDF and I'll gladly start working again.

    3. One Way

      One Way

      u told me u had enough haha

    4. TheNewbie


      I lied. Lol, gotta wait till next paycheck for 31 bucks to get it.

  7. Im going to run my amp at .5! Yes! More power! -_- no.. just.. no.

  8. While makng my box, my cuts aren't thebest.. being a milimeter off in some spots going to effect it that much?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. n8ball2013


      1MM? Shit I could make that flush with a little work lol

    3. SnowDrifter


      My first box had 1/4-1/3 inch gaps in places - but I put it together with liquid nails (don't remember which one) since it was thick enough to fill in the gaps. I threw in an empty dumpster from the second floor and it didn't break apart. Sooo yeah :P

    4. TheNewbie


      Lmao, alright well thanks guys. I'll see how thebox turns out.. the 45's going to be tricky not sure how to go about it. N8 wanna come make it flush then? Lmao. I'll ship it to you :D

  9. I wanna do a clean install..

  10. Got a single xp950, and big three with 90amp alt.. going to be nuff for 1500w? :l

  11. How much over the reccomended cubic can you go?.. General rule.

  12. Battery and Sub should be coming in next :) just gotta get amp and wires and I'll be done craving bass :)

    1. One Way
    2. TheNewbie


      Don't talk about yourself like that..

  13. Got my battery.. Mcdonalds paychecks gone.. got carpet too :D

    1. BeatBox


      nothing like have new audio equip. :woot:

    2. pimpnFosgates


      dude got paid yesterday at 10 30. by 11 yesterday it was gone. dd1 n gas ftmfw

    3. TheNewbie


      Lmao, yeah.. working on 150 usually every two weeks I always spend it within the first day -_- OH LOOK NEW WIRES haha, it's a need not a want ;)

  14. GAH my car really needs a paint job. Oh well.. paint can wait.. I'd rather have some bass :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. One Way

      One Way

      rattle can = rice


    3. BeatBox


      same here, rust/faded paint < walled off

    4. TheNewbie


      Lmao, it's not to the rattle can point fellers... it's all about the audio.. just got my battery :)

  15. Being 3 inches away from a side wall with a 1.75 port should be fine yeah?

    1. carshateme
    2. Autruche


      Throw a 45 up in the corner and you shouldn't have any issues.

    3. TheNewbie


      Car, it's for a box... and Aut that would mess with the tuning ect.

  16. All these tempting offers .. people just want me to spend my 160 dollar paycheck on nothing but Car audio huh..

  17. So frusterated.. been at the stupid torres calc for about 2 hours trying to get this box right. I don't have much pacients :l maybe i'll just try in the morn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheNewbie


      Pm sent, thank you sir it's greatly appreciated.

    3. SnowDrifter


      I'll get to it tomorrow. I'm on mobile ATM

    4. TheNewbie


      Okay, thank you. I'll keep trying tonight. If i get it i'll let you know. Thanks man :)

  18. Gah gotta downgrade from a 15 to a 12 :( bye, bye cone area..

    1. kraz1021


      why...not enough airspace???

    2. TheNewbie


      Yeah, the box is to tall now, I can't fit it without taking off my panels and cutting into the car. :l

  19. Time to save money.. only to spend it on car audio :D

  20. Figuring out how to do my trunk.. hmm.. idears? :D

  21. Scratch that, moused over sorry about that.

  22. So uh.. when I go to my page what's the numbers for.. that's green.. says nuetral? My rep?

  23. Knu 4gauge wire on 1500w gotta go bigger?

    1. Omega5002


      I would go bigger

  24. I'd much rather have someone tell me they don't know something about car audio so i can explain it to them rather than to bull shit me and try to make something up

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