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Status Updates posted by TheNewbie

  1. The 1500.1 comes today... As well as some BASS finally.

  2. The positive from alt to battery is the only fuse inside the big three right?

    1. RickyFriery97
    2. Autruche


      Yes, and remember you should only fuse the wire based on the amount of current it will see. IE: if you have a 120 amp alternator, don't put a fuse in that is 200+ amps.

  3. The second baffle.. On top if your first, if you create that baffle to contour to your car what do you call that? A fake baffle? I can't find anything about "fake baffles"

    1. OrionStang
    2. TheNewbie


      Ahh, thank you that's the word I was looking for.. Trying to figure out what I wanna wrap mine in.

  4. They have arrived... >:)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheNewbie


      You feeling better man?

    3. SnowDrifter


      I wouldn't say better is the right word... But less bad. Thanks!

    4. TheNewbie


      Less bad, haha well that's good man. You'll find out what it is no worries just keep your head up!

  5. Thinking about Vinyl Wrapping my next box, can't seem to find a good video, or place to buy from. Anyone have some suggestions?

  6. Thinking if a decent under the hood battery, XS is just to much for my price range at the moment. Shurkin?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Omega5002


      I'm running a group 34 as a starter, and looking at the group 31 as a secondary battery.

      I got the group 34 for $90 as a clearance deal, and Skrilla, and Eflako seem to be having great luck with them.


    3. TheNewbie


      Yeah but is that going to support 1.6k rms on a 90a alt? I also can't find there 31 battery.. I can ONLY have one battery, no room anywhere else.

    4. 08tahoe


      Maybe try the new crescendo battery?

  7. Time to save money.. only to spend it on car audio :D

  8. Torn DC level 4 m1 12'' for 75 bucks.. thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KillaCam


      I would go ahead and buy it.

    3. TheNewbie


      Yeah, but how much would a recone be for it? Around 120?

    4. KillaCam
  9. Touchy subject, but why is the VVME (mystery subs) so cheap?.. garbage spider? Cooling blows? Small coil? Something more than it's not well made. Cousins gunna get one for laughs.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Probably cost saving things like no quality control, assembly line manufacturing, cheap, fast curing glue, not a ton of time spent with design and testing, stamped vs cast baskets, etc

    3. SnowDrifter
    4. TheNewbie


      Ah, okay so basicly it's not a bad sub, it's just not going to last..

  10. Tryin to figure out what kinda SUB!!

  11. Tryin to sell my stuff.. DC L4 M2 sub, Skar 1500.1

  12. Trying to stay up for Alpha Damp give away.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Noon tomorrow. Arizona time.

    2. TheNewbie


      Yeup, already read it bouts to head to bed soon. Arizona time is same as Cali so that's no problem. I can sleep that time away. Night fellers.

  13. Up in Carson City.. bout to build my box tomorrow. Let's go.

  14. Waiting on the sub, my window sticker says.. "Audio will not work if removed" any idea's on to what this is about lmao.

    1. One Way

      One Way

      take it off, its not like u need audio. who needs that? lol

    2. Purplehaze


      It's the factory anti-theft, the original HU wont work in any other vehicle..

    3. TheNewbie


      Ah, alright thanks . Already removed that so haha

  15. Watching endless videos of people being pulledover for bass...haha.

  16. Went to Ray's today, convential speakesr.. not proaudio. Got it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      I just pm'd ray earlier about that same question because my seleniums and super tweets sound great but take a lot of tuning to find the sound and since I am rebuilding I was going to run 2 6 2 8 and 2 super tweets but I saw a post by ray that had me rethinking I just want to run a 3 way setup that's sqish but I like the distance my setup now has and it still sounds clean pm me I have questions

    3. TheNewbie


      Your supertweets will get loud, as I was told BUT the don't have that overall kinda surround sound.. he has another word for it but it's aimed at one position rather than a convential tweet that covers more area if that makes sense.. YOU PM ME ahah :) to lazy.

    4. jg23


      nice meeting you today. i used to have 4 pro audio speakers and 4 aluminum tweets. no mid bass at all. as it is right now wiith only front stage 2 tweets 2 3s and 2 6s its WAY louder than it has ever been

  17. What do you guys use to cover a sharp metal edge?! I need to run my wire through it!

    1. ghostrider59927


      like though a firewall?

    2. TheNewbie


      No, I have groments for those, like through a thin peice of metal. I'm thinking of a small weatherstripping like strip but not sure what its called.. Hope is only about 4-10 gauge depending on the wire

    3. ghostrider59927


      well dirll through it and cover the wire with that all weather plastic cover then seal the hole with silicon or caulking

  18. What is the cover that goes over the wire inside the engine bay.. I don't think it's heat shrink.. it's to keep the wire from burning up. Gah I feel like a noob.. BRAINFART

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheNewbie
    3. TheNewbie


      Should I use the 1/2th in order to pull it over the 0 gauge? Imma need one for my 4 gauge as well.

    4. will77530
  19. What kind of solder is the best for terminals??

  20. What's the RMS on the XL m1 motors? Can't find it.

  21. When upgrading your alt, won't that extra amps be harmful to your car? Being I go from 90 to 220

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Correct. It was just an analogy :)

    3. TheNewbie


      Lmao, okay sounds great.. it adjusts to the needs of the batteries and the car is all I needa know :o thank you sir.

    4. TheNewbie


      BTW, hopefully I'll find the little dial on the alternator to turn it down so it's so much.. lmao XD

      I kid I kid.

  22. When you "Supercharge" a sub.. what exactly does it do? Benifits? Negatives?

    1. PaCiFiKbAllA


      if you have an option of SC a subwoofer, it usually means the sub is beefed up with stonger components and can tolerate alot more abuse.

  23. While makng my box, my cuts aren't thebest.. being a milimeter off in some spots going to effect it that much?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. n8ball2013


      1MM? Shit I could make that flush with a little work lol

    3. SnowDrifter


      My first box had 1/4-1/3 inch gaps in places - but I put it together with liquid nails (don't remember which one) since it was thick enough to fill in the gaps. I threw in an empty dumpster from the second floor and it didn't break apart. Sooo yeah :P

    4. TheNewbie


      Lmao, alright well thanks guys. I'll see how thebox turns out.. the 45's going to be tricky not sure how to go about it. N8 wanna come make it flush then? Lmao. I'll ship it to you :D

  24. Wire comes in tomorrow.. pretty phyched. Double checked I was at a one ohm load.. time to get my amp.. in two months :\

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