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SMD Silver Member
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Status Replies posted by Kyblack76

  1. I didn't notice this sooner but where in the hell did Adam go? He just vanished like a juiced up body builders penis.

  2. Since when does Paypal charge fees on 'Gift' transactions?

  3. I hate my truck more and more each time I touch it.

  4. I hate my truck more and more each time I touch it.

  5. Just made PB&J paninis lol. you jelly?

  6. Tonight has been declared a Jager night...my liver better pack its bags...this shit is gonna be rough.

  7. i think i could live off fruit snacks, hot pockets, and dr. pepper

  8. waiting on something that weighs 9 pounds and is hand made in calfornia. anyone wanna guess what it is

  9. Watermelon and mickys don't mix fyi

  10. Watermelon and mickys don't mix fyi

  11. Shattered the windshield in the Jeep at the show today. Pics and vids coming shortly :)

  12. ORIONSTANG- you should have a drop-box invite of some sort.....keep an eye out for it!

  13. This State sucks dick, can't wait to go home.

  14. Wife is gone for 5 days..... (yes, im that "guy" that struggles without)

  15. Hey are any of you guys on the SMD Forum? If so add me/ pm me

  16. Wife is gone for 5 days..... (yes, im that "guy" that struggles without)

  17. Hairtrick vid of the Jeep is up!

  18. Just got named Forensics Examiner & Office Manager for my company. Youngest in the companies history feels GREAT :good:!

  19. Classes are about to start, time to give some drunk people a scare while DDing lol, my favorite!!!

  20. Hmm,.. should i start a build log for what i hope i can do, and hope will work with the BlAcura re-try ???

  21. Hmm,.. should i start a build log for what i hope i can do, and hope will work with the BlAcura re-try ???

  22. Hmm,.. should i start a build log for what i hope i can do, and hope will work with the BlAcura re-try ???

  23. Hmm,.. should i start a build log for what i hope i can do, and hope will work with the BlAcura re-try ???

  24. been going since 3 am. not sure when this will end

  25. Got a job today, start tomorrow morning at 8!

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