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Status Updates posted by TylerParrish

  1. Everyone's tryin to make it to the end of the game, I'm just tryin to lose as fast as i can.

  2. Try to catch a spider, accidentally kill it. FML

    1. Emmet


      Oh no. Are you okay?

      Will I get you a tissue?

  3. Mom, we do nothing but fight, but it's Mother's Day. So if this somehow gets back to you.....I love you.

    1. OrionStang


      I won't flame you since its mothers day.

    2. Emmet


      I'll let her know when I see her tonight.

      Fuck that shit it aint mothers day in Ireland :peepwall:

    3. Bigsix


      damn yall beat me to it.. I had

      " Ill let her know later when I stop by" all ready to go.

      Ninja'd again.

  4. "If you need it, I've got it."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      I need a blow job.

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Congrats Ken, you just found the neighbor with the pink lipstick! BAZINGA!!

    4. OrionStang


      Damn, that sucks.


  5. I can nazi anything.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KillaCam


      I'm gassed, shouldn't have put "my" in there... need more concentration.

    3. Emmet


      You guys are terrible... Anne frankly its disgraceful.

    4. Lbox88


      These puns are a gas. Now knock it off, it's in poor taste and camp jew see I need my concentration? Hurts this side of mein 6 million times over.

  6. changes, major changes.

  7. why do people like their own statuses?

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Because they're destined to live their lives alone forever. Because they are fucking pathetic.

    2. BeatBox


      x2 on :foreveralone:

    3. KillaCam


      Their dicks are dry. Thats why.

  8. lolok?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. HypnotizedMind 91666

      HypnotizedMind 91666

      >.> .. leave the swordfighting to the knights

    3. IBleedMusick


      :rofl: You know you guys got a little to mean when Orion says something is rough. Damn Coldblooded mofo's
    4. SnowDrifter
  9. Finally, a chance to escape this shit hole!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Pulling in. He said "a chance to escape", doesn't mean he's going to pull out though

    3. IBleedMusick


      :rofl: that was too easy.
    4. IBleedMusick


      I think his bf gave him a break from eating ass and they switched positions.

  10. I would give it all up for you (:

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      If you ever go to prison, they're gonna love you. They'll probably throw a soup your way for "giving it up".

    2. IBleedMusick


      Hey why dont you go get your balls back from your girl she was wearing them as earrings.

    3. KillaCam


      Fucking whipped ass pussy. Go out and cheat you faggot. While your at it, fuck yourself.

  11. ......and then i think of you.

  12. why not have the best you can possibly have?

  13. alright 4/20, you were fun and all, but i think its time to get serious and do some major sobering up for a very longgg time.

  14. Wow, i didn't know this updated with facebook.....gayyyyy. Anyways, thoughts on a new system? I'm talkin total makeover.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KillaCam


      and put your shirt down biebs, its all guys here..

    3. OrionStang
    4. n8ball2013


      I can fix your status updates for you no problem.

  15. •Name: •How old you look: •Rate: •Would I Txt you: •Are we close: •The name I call you: •Are you worth my time: •Would I talk to you: •would I hug or kiss you:•do I love you :•Do I like your profile picture:•Do I trust you: •To be honest ? •Would I care if I lost you ? •First impression: •Have you ever made me laugh or smile? •Name in my phone ? •Would I marry you on fb...

  16. Whattheffffffuuuuckkisgoingonnnn? :/

  17. I'm tired of girls gettin mad over the dumbest shittt.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Dating a mute = less bitching. My suggestion is to hit up a homeless shelter. Nothing but winners there. And as long as you feed and shower them, they'll have nothing to bitch about.

  18. Don't waste your time or breath on apologies. All they are are words to you, your apologies mean nothing, like broken promises. Its just what you do to get back on my good side, but not anymore.

  19. Nothin better than havin a shitty day at work when all of a sudden "Last Friday Night" starts playing in the kitchen. :D

  20. And its all again good, jellyness always come first, until i remember how much of a little whore you are (: and then reality kicks back in and ur yet again nothing more than the whore.

  21. I just kinda wannaaa......punch the shit out of stuff......ya know?......

  22. The fuck guys? Sleet or snow? Fox's pond....amazing.

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