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Everything posted by BassJunkie

  1. ^^^wtf!? my list: -graduate college -make enough money to where my mom doesn't have to work two jobs ever again -Skydive -break 160db
  2. Thats weird, i've played against you before a while back and had no idea that was you.
  3. Way cool of you to redo those prizes! Now that this is done you know your weaknesses and can work to tweak them for the next one. Maybe when the pro's come in you could do a quiz type thing with the teams to see who goes first. Maybe ask car audio questions with a jeopardy style buzzer system. http://www.affordablebuzzers.com/ Just a suggestion, I know this comes out of your wallet at the end of the day though.
  4. Thanks for the birthday wishes mane!

  5. Good choice. Toshiba's are rock solid computers and their customer service rocks.
  6. I used to be a laptop salesman/technician. My personal opinion: Stay away from dells/alienwares they're nothing but trouble. Do not buy extended warranties unless you're hard on laptops and you plan on getting the accidental damage coverage. My personal favorite brands are HP and Toshiba. As the tech for over a year I only worked on 3-4 toshiba's and they were ancient. I had tons of dells that cost more to fix than what they were worth. I also worked on alot of hp's but it was 99% stupid stuff like "hey i looked at this 'website' and now I have this virus" and that is not the manufacturers fault at all. Right now I'm rolling the HP ProBook 4525s which is my favorite laptop i've ever owned so far. Dual core, 8 gigs of ram for under 500 bucks. The outer lid is aircraft grade aluminum, as well as the inner palm rest. The keyboard has a built in liquid drain so if something is spilled on it your computer should be good to go. The touch pad is multitouch so you can pinch and zoom like an iphone/droid. Pretty cool machine for my uses.
  7. I should be getting wood this week. It was fun for a while being able to sling some stupid low notes but now I want my musical ability back
  8. true. i just wanted to be sure. i mean i could always have gone with the same 3/4 grip in the front. but the front tires wear down so fast compared to the back that i wanted to put the bigger grips so they might wear out about the same time front and rear this time. and yes they will both be 25's. it just sucks they dont make the xl's to fit my back rims Do they make it in a wider rear size? Could go wide and puff them out around the rim, looks pretty cool. what do you mean by that? and i dont think they make a 25 inch tires for an 11 inch rim. thats whats stupid i have 12 inch rims in the front but only 11 inch rims in the back Ohh I figured they made a 25x10 for an 11" rim. My foreman's not here or id go check the rim size/take pics, but I have ITP 589's on the rear which are too wide for the rims so they protect the rims and look good while doing so. Only thing you may eat up quicker with these tires are the front bearings. The 26's on my foreman rape bearings every year or two but thats the only issue i've had in 3-4 years of having oversized tires I had the same issue with my rancher when I had it. Stupid design on rim size if you ask me.
  9. Walls are not illegal. If you're a cocky asshole when getting pulled over you'll get a ticket regardless. If you're respectful to the officer more than likely he'll be cool about it. I've been pulled over with a wall before for speeding and not wearing a seatbelt. Car searched and thoroughly "inspected" by the state troopers but they were nice about it other than the fact he didn't put anything back where he found it. Got off with a seatbelt ticket Was funny to see them try to shine flashlights and attempt look through my 0% tint
  10. true. i just wanted to be sure. i mean i could always have gone with the same 3/4 grip in the front. but the front tires wear down so fast compared to the back that i wanted to put the bigger grips so they might wear out about the same time front and rear this time. and yes they will both be 25's. it just sucks they dont make the xl's to fit my back rims Do they make it in a wider rear size? Could go wide and puff them out around the rim, looks pretty cool.
  11. Hell before shipping that is cheaper than hardware store resin, atleast around here it is. How much does a gallon of resin weigh? Always wondered how much weight i was putting in my car.
  12. You should be fine. If you think about it when your tires wear on a 4x4 atv they usually don't wear evenly. As long as you dont have like 27's on the front and 25's on the rear you should be good to go.
  13. is it a dodge? If your looking for towing and 4 wheeling swap to the 318 (if its the dodge). 318s are cheap, reliable, and nearly bulletproof. Not the most poweful engine but it will get the job done affordably.
  14. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I do not believe that win-isd factors in port displacement which will throw the actual tuning of the box off a little bit. Is this winisd pro?
  15. Wait....5....on a grand prix!? Or am I thinking of someone else
  16. Subbed, this is exactly what the sport needs. When I go to another competitions I will email you
  17. I still rock the same pioneer deck to this day
  18. You know deep down inside you want a capacitor...one of those scorsche ones with the pretty led's and built battery meter.
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