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About dpeebs

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  1. iv got a dc audio lvl 4 12 if i dont end up using it what would be a decent price to ask for it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dpeebs


      lol no I need a back seat I would if I had a little coupe or hatch back, I was going to wall off my truck before but plans changed now it sits in my back yard :(

    3. ToNasty


      take it outside, put on curb with for free sign, or directly into trash

  2. should i recone my obsidians for dual 4s or just keep them dual 2s? or sell them and buy dual 4s?

    1. BassHead1990


      are you going to recone them before you sell them? i'd just make them dual 4s

    2. dpeebs


      no the subs arent blown. there still in pretty much new condition the 1 hasnt even seen power yet.

  3. got my amp fixed today, well got the capasitors changed because my soldering iron wasnt hot enough to loosen the solder and they shop i took it to charged me $18 for the caps, which i asked for 1000 uf 25 volt, he put in 1000 uf 50 volt caps and there twice the size and i cant even put the amp back together because the back plate wont fit on now! never dealing with him again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      How did you pay for it?

    3. dpeebs


      cash, i paid 18 for the caps and then 10 for him to put it in.

    4. SnowDrifter


      Well.. I mean... That is pretty cheap. I guess you get what you pay for.

      It shouldn't have happened, but at least you aren't out a TON

  4. sad sad day, tough having to get rid of your pride and joy. havent sold the truck yet but put it up for sale. feels like part of my family is getting taken away. i will own another explorer some day.

  5. wish i could sleep, work in 4 hours for 12 hours, come home and work overnights at my second job, then get 8 hours off work evening shift then work 6 hours later another 12 hour! fml joys of 2 jobs i guess, but need the $$$ for my builds

    1. ghostrider59927


      ill take one of those jobs i need one bad

  6. why does shit have to be so expensive!

    1. zack_e89


      gotta pay to play

  7. its annoying when people try saying there systems are worth more than it actually is. like a girl at work said she had 2 15s in her jeep but she has 2 12 and there sony explodes and the amp is a sony and she said she paid 1500 for it, either shes lying or who ever she bought it from took her for a ride

    1. tdsa23


      I say they took her for a ride, when I was young i went for that same ride at least it was JL

    2. bigirb2002


      lmao ur right i got 4 12`s rockford 3sixty.3 sstr3400, ss 4.680 kenwood x996 that put me right at 1500 shes a freaking lie

    3. WastedTalent


      I bet that ride ended with a happy ending, if you know what I mean

  8. why cant i find the audioque website? am i searching wrong or something?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Leo1103


      they changed their name to soundqubed. heres the website


    3. Kyblack76
    4. dpeebs


      thanks. i dont like there new logo :P

  9. i hate when people want to buy something or yours or trade you but wont come get it they want you to bring it to them

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    2. TRTC360


      shit if I have to drive 15min to deliver an item i charge an extra 5 dollars, I got a v8 that takes premium, gas doesn't pay for itself haha

    3. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      hahahah For real!! and its usually after they just tried to shaft you on the price lol

    4. WastedTalent


      Shoot, as far as this site and all the members, if someone's willing to help me out and not shaft me? I give a few extra. "Sellin that wire for $35 including shipping? Here's $40". Ain't much but hell, go get a drink on me for helpin me out.

  10. had a mini heart attack, sitting at work doing paper work while my client is in bed fall asleep for like 10 minutes wake up look out the window and my truck wasnt there, freaked out ran outside and realized i moved it this afternoon and forgot about it

    1. raolito1980


      Ive been paranoid like this ever since my rims were stolen right before Thanksgiving. Oh it sux.

  11. gotta love new years when it starts out with your roommate who's on probation wants to leave town to hook up with 2 girls and wont stop asking to borrow everyones cars in the house then takes off hitch hiking then the cops come in for curfew check and your dink is hanging out and they just barge in your room. happy new year hope everybodys was a little better than mine so far.   CHEERS

    1. Purplehaze


      Where do u live, a half way house?  

      Curfew check..  fuck that!

    2. n8ball2013


      by cops he means mom and dad by roommates he means his brothers and sisters.

  12. today is the last day all of us will see 12/12/12

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    2. dpeebs


      no its just gunna be another 100 years till that date will come around.

    3. HypnotizedMind 91666

      HypnotizedMind 91666

      stang, you thought it was an end of the world remark?

    4. TylerParrish


      The world is said to end on the 21st, not the 12th. I think people keep mixing it up.

  13. so i went and picked up my new ride for my winter beater from my sister towed it back to my friends place, went and got it insured in her name so had to drive to the city. got to the gas station and the guy is laughing at me and then i went in to pay t find out it says just married on the passengers side lol

  14. fix one thing on the explorer another thing breaks :( mo money mo money and mo money! at this rate im gunna need a 3rd job

  15. if a sub is under powered des it blow it? iv been having this arguement with my dad for ever and he says under powering blows subs. and i say underpowering them dont blow them as long as theres no clipping or distortion, he said to me yesterday that people blows subs that are under powered because they crank them up till they distort and thats what blows them. it basically what i said just worded differently. does low power to a higher powered sub blow it? just want to solve arguement

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      My dad is that way too... Just pretend like you agree haha

      My dad was arguing over a traffic law and I pulled up the law itself and he said they were wrong. Lolwhat?

    3. dpeebs


      haha my dad does that too. where i live there is no law on loud music unless its after 11pm or before 7 am and i asked a driver instructor that works for the licensing places and he told me there was no law about it, but my dad said there is and he was wrong so i got on the city by laws nd there was no such thing haha good for me i guess

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