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Everything posted by WastedTalent

  1. There are times where it's...beyond slow. Takes like 2 minutes to load a page. But then it speeds up and acts normal. I'm normally on during off-peak hours (12 am-530 am eastern time) so find that a little weird, but it's nothing really. Not something I'd complain about repeatedly.
  2. Time to troll others on my college homework. Haha.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Should be within the next hour. Gotta roam the streets (ok so I'm a security guard and gotta walk around like I'm working or something), then go talk to this hot girl, try to get her to open up, then go take pics. Me and her alone in the whole building. Only negative part is I can't bluntly hit on her. What a shame.

    3. TylerParrish


      and why the hell not?

    4. WastedTalent
  3. And this is why I'm saddened that Mech does not make or offer any help for my alternator needs. So helpful and knowledgeable. I did contact and was told and I quote... "Oh bummer. We don't have anything for that car." ;( Sad day when that email was received.
  4. Ok so new rims today... appt in less than 5 hours from right now. 10 am EST. Not sure where to buy tires from though. I'm just replacing stock rims, but do need new tires as mine are damn close to bald. Place I'm getting rims doesn't have buy 3 get 1 free. Just my luck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JamieHoward


      I got mine from 4quicktires.com. set of 225/35zr20s for350 shipped.

    3. WastedTalent


      Thanks. Store has shit online availability status, as they told me they had almost every tire imaginable for my car. So $480 or somethin and that includes installation and everything. All put on and it looks sweet, to me at least. Pics will be uploaded tonight. Been up too damn long to do a damn thing til tonight.

    4. TylerParrish


      post them bitches when you get back from work, wanna see how they turn out on the subaru

  5. I wouldn't want to put it where water could get to it. Think it's main purpose is to be hidden and in a sense, weather protected. Deal with the heat and cold and such but not tsunamis and all. So if I'm even understanding "gums" rather than "guns"... lmfao, I would just keep it under panels and/or liners as it's pretty much intended.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by "outside the guns on hood". Rollin with a few AK's strapped on the hood or something? But I believe Jon said that as long as the paper backing is still there and stuck to it, and the material itself is a little pudgy/sticky, should be good to go.
  7. Watching "Compliance". F'd up movie man....

  8. You told me to F off!!! Lol just kidding. But no, that's what I think gives this forum a one up over every other forum. Everyone treats everyone maybe not as close family but at least distant family. If I'm having problems, I can ask and no matter how much a noob question it may be, I get help. So although a bit of a threadjack as never done business with you, all the comments people say, I would buy things from ya. But I wanna know, where's my cpt morg? Can't do a shot without me! It's just unethical! haha.
  9. That's how I was. I was fine with the little rattles I had (not due to a wiper but just my trunk rattling). Then my tail light broke. That was enough. Got some second skin, asked for advice, did what I could. Obviously nothing like a pro but... wouldn't say bad for a first timer. Lol. And now, I truly think my tail light is nearly unbreakable. Take a hell of a lot more than what I have to break it.
  10. Yeah, that's what I'd do. If you aren't rattling except your wiper, don't need any. It can also help with sound quality, as it does help keep outside noise out and inside noise in, but it does seem like your fine with how that is right now.
  11. Off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of rims. New rims for the whip shall be purchased today.

  12. Alright. End of that speculation and threadjack. Thanks for educating me haha.
  13. Just a small threadjack, it doesn't matter how you have the batts? Say you have a small one under the hood, you can have a gigantic one in the back without harming anything or whatnot?
  14. Watching "The Sitter". Hilarious. "You came to my house party and puked in my grandma's urn. When I asked you about it, you ran away like a little biatch." "I did not. I ran away like a normal person"

    1. littlebuck1919


      jonah hill is amazing! that movie is great! oh, and he's lost a lot of weight :o

    2. WastedTalent


      I don't like Hill at all. Maybe it's just his roles but 21 jumpstreet? Good movie, hate him. The sitter (so far at least)? Good movie, hate him. Just always seems like a partier/stoner and complete loser. First 2 mins of The Sitter describes how I feel about him. Lol. So Idk, could be just his roles.

    3. littlebuck1919


      lol its possible, i guess i just find humor in simple things :P oh well, could be worse....we could be zombies....and not enjoy movies at all because of it :(

  15. Basically. But I've always heard (never been confirmed, just speculation, to me at least) to put the bigger one in front. If your car only requires a small one, don't put the biggest one XS makes in the trunk. Switch em. Never really been told that's wrong, but never been told that is what to do.
  16. Higher than a kite, thanks to work. Put stuff on the carpet, on the tiles, on the concrete, smells everywhere you go.

  17. Will the Iphone 5 be announced today or is it something else? Let us see, let us see! I'll be sleeping so let me know people! Haha

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TylerParrish


      just go 4s like 2 weeks ago, oh well

    3. Lbox88


      Yeah, I don't see that happening DJ

    4. WastedTalent


      Lol Tyler. Gotta ask the forums these things before you go out and buy!! I know they're saying Sept 21 is when the Iphone 5 will be out, but should've waited. That's what I did. Got back from deployment phone-less and knew a new Iphone was coming out so went pre-paid. Got a crap phone. Well then the 4S came out, basically same as the 4. No thanks, I'll wait til the next version. So now I'll get this one...sometime. Not gonna wait in lines or whatever, I'll get...

  18. Even your table works out? Damn Will! Guess it gotta have muscle to support both of those little monsters. Can't wait for the pics of install and vids of them playing
  19. Figures. Last night busy as all can be at work when I thought it'd be a ghost town. Tonight I think it'll be busy and it's a ghost town. Done with college homework...

  20. Military... the biggest hypocrite ever. "Let's kick you out based on a civil right that we took away from you and write you a letter with the incorrect name on it!" High standards? Bull if you ask me.

    1. WastedTalent


      And we're not talking just mis-spelling like a typpo. We're talking the completely incorrect name. Name is David, they sent me something saying Daniel.

  21. Damn man, sorry to hear about everything... your ma, gettin jipped on all that, etc.
  22. I also wanna throw in the fact that I believe it'd be the same for anyone, that if we were having problems and went to a shop, we would associate more with them. If I installed my own stuff and something just wasn't right and I went to a local shop around here, they fixed it, I would still try to do things myself but would ask them about things, maybe purchase stuff from them, etc. I definitely would appreciate the fact that they took the time out of their schedule to not only fix it, but actually show me no matter how big or small the problem was. I think that's what put your service above your customer's expectations. You didn't just fix it, you showed and taught him things and without insulting him like "You are stupid! What a noob!". I mean how many of us have walked in somewhere and whether we know what we're talking about or not, seem to be told that we're stupid? Never go back there again. It's people like you OP that we need. I'm not sure you charged the guy or not, so if you didn't, you technically lost money but you kept a client happy which in turn will pay it's rewards with him more than likely buying more of your equipment and recommending your brand. Everyone wants money to fix things and never takes the time to show or explain. "That crap sucks" "Why?" "Does"
  23. Think that shows that knowledge is the best along with having the right equipment. How the 2 shops couldn't figure it out, says pretty inexperienced (at least with that part of car audio) or just doesn't have the right tools. In any case, that's actually a great story. If only people were always like that.
  24. give it time. in a year we need to dig up this thread and see how well it is working still but yes i agree Dlink ftl... Lol. I've owned Asus routers for a bit and never had problems. Every so often (maybe once every 5 months or something) you have to reboot it and such but that's good. Better than Steve doing his dlink twice a day, if not more. And I agree Steve. Yelling at others for taking up bandwidth when you pay for so much, sucks. "I GOT INTERCEPTED BECAUSE YOU WANTED ON FACEBOOK? ARE YOU SERIOUS? FOR THAT, YOU'RE GROUNDED!" Lmfao.
  25. To hit on this girl who could be my boss, or not to hit on this girl? She damn sexy.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Crandis16


      get some pussay

    3. TylerParrish


      do it, do it, do it....worse comes to worse.....you get your dick wet.....or not, only one way to find out

    4. Zapanater


      You need to do us all a favor and send us some pics. Then we'll be your conscience.

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