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Status Replies posted by mikelbolton

  1. ANybody here ever run a Havoc using minimum rec'd volume? 1.8 for a 12"?

    1. mikelbolton


      I've put my Mayhems on the lowest recommended volume... tuned high and saw some impressive numbers...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I seen these new woofer boxes... Pretty neat... They have a slot in the middle, perfect amp holder

    1. mikelbolton


      Den you can hide da wire to ya kickers, so it ain't gotta run outside da box yo

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. what up yall? long time no sausage fest...

  4. those of you that blow subs due to "clipping" do you just max out gain and all bass boost settings on headunit and amp and expect it to sound good? I have yet to understand how it seems to be so easy for some of you

    1. mikelbolton


      clipping can keep them from cooling properly... causes coils to burn and rub

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. So who wants to see a new build log, with new pics and updates? Holla!!!

    1. mikelbolton


      I hate reorganizing my photobucket account, for this very reason... it's a pita to reconfigure all the links... especially with dickheads like DIYMA... they won't allow you to edit old posts.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Stopped at Tigerdirect while I was in Raleigh. Caught a good deal on this case that had been returned. Looks like I have another project about to start... Pics of the old case and swap soon to come.Sorry for the crappy pics, been a long day... better to come... Here's the link if you're interested in better pics http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=899128&CatId=1510

    1. mikelbolton


      Haha, damn FB updates my status here and I never see it...

      Lol @orion

      @killa, yeah on Capital... I've found I like driving my truck better than the Aveo... People aren't as likely to cut me off...

      @Skippy... yes, this is my real name... no not named after the singer... yes, before you ask.... I have seen Office Space

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. whats the lowest reactive load a sundown amp can see before it protects?

  8. Just Metered the Aveo @ 141.5!!!

    1. mikelbolton


      BRZ2400.1D sub amp, 1-15" Ascendant Audio Mayhem... check out the build log

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Thursday, I was asked to compete at the state level for Skills USA competition, on behalf of Nash Community College's metalworkers' club. Just filled out for the 2013-2014 Nash CC scholarship too... woot woot, feeling accomplished!!!

  10. Thursday, I was asked to compete at the state level for Skills USA competition, on behalf of Nash Community College's metalworkers' club. Just filled out for the 2013-2014 Nash CC scholarship too... woot woot, feeling accomplished!!!

  11. stopped by the Pawn Shop to see what they had, seems like the "new" thing's to have a sub box w/2, 3 or 4 subs all of a different brand in the same box, but the members of Team Idiot Audio shop there all the time LMAO!

  12. car is washed .... laundry is done .... house is cleaned ... now what ...

  13. What's with all the brand/member bashing recently? Geez...

    1. mikelbolton


      Some people just have nothing better to do...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. 15 page strong hifonics thread has vvme butthurt, it must be friday

    1. mikelbolton


      15 pages of moronic bashing of whatever comes to mind, with a few nut-hugging fan boys whipping out their dicks to see who's the largest...

  15. Finally got a new job! Trying to budget while going bigger... wish me luck haha

  16. Well I took the initiative to file my damn divorce papers myself today... My soon to be officially ex-wife strung me along for long enough so I took the initiative to pay the fees and do the shit myself I am tired of waiting

  17. Got the Vxi65s in along with the 85.4 and found a spot for my knob when I get the Sk2500. Skar has impressed me in person now. Butttttt I forgot to take pics.. mfer >_

    1. mikelbolton


      looking forward to seein' it

  18. doubles power, loses on TL.

    1. mikelbolton


      I could see that... if you have enough voltage drop, it would kill your output between the amps...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. What does psst stand for and why do people post it in topics with nothing else behind or in front of it?

    1. mikelbolton



      Please say something, thanks.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. Just got some terrible news.  I took my car in cause the heater wasn't working right, taking way too long to heat up.  They checked that an went through the engine and found rust on spark plug # 2 and in chamber #2.  THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!

    1. mikelbolton


      good luck bro, could be something simple that just went on long enough to let a little rust happen...

      Typically a headgasket is going to have problems other than rust.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. Cannot find the charger for the camcorder... vids will come later... maybe shotty cell clips

    1. mikelbolton


      10-4, I finally found charger.  cam is getting ready...Guess I'll be hitting HD before too long

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Happy Birthday N8

    1. mikelbolton


      Happy Birthday N8, maybe you'll get to use the hammer today, and make your b-day complete!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  23. If you have to qualify an item by saying its good for the price. its a piece of shit.

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