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Status Replies posted by Soccerballzs

  1. Get your helmet and flak on. I foresee alot of shots fired tonight.

  2. anybody know where to get a Flush trim bit for my router? 1/4" shank thats 3/4" long so I can flush all of my 3/4" MDF that home depot cut and F'd up?

  3. anybody know where to get a Flush trim bit for my router? 1/4" shank thats 3/4" long so I can flush all of my 3/4" MDF that home depot cut and F'd up?

  4. anybody know where to get a Flush trim bit for my router? 1/4" shank thats 3/4" long so I can flush all of my 3/4" MDF that home depot cut and F'd up?

  5. Tomorrow will be like MF Christmas!!! 7 tracking numbers show all my items are in my city!! Better believe I got my shit on Will Call, because soon as 8am hit, Ima be at UPS Front door like its Black Friday! Lmao :D

  6. Tornados just ripped through my area. My house is ok but extensive damage all over. Unheard of Tornados in mid November.

  7. Tornados just ripped through my area. My house is ok but extensive damage all over. Unheard of Tornados in mid November.

  8. Wishing I could have caught the fuckers that broke into my truck!

  9. Cleaned out my hatch, Cleaned up the rats nest of wiring, got two new tires for the front of the car and now i have a spare. Funny how i doubled almost every component in my car and have more room in the hatch than i did stock.

  10. Sometimes you just can't help people any more. Maybe there should be a stubborn noob with zero budget section and a everyone else section.

  11. Trying to come up witha christmas list for the wife. I can't even find things I want that I don't already have.

  12. how do you have 80kw gear and not know how to get 1ohm load?

  13. I went on a buying FRENZY today!!! I purchase the rest of my install equipment, tools, a T1500bdcp, and TONS of stuff for my box build!! I have pretty nice plans instore, So I can't wait to start building it!! :)

  14. Ups says a package at the door?!?!

  15. Ups says a package at the door?!?!

  16. Someone should create a standard SMD help form and sticky it lol. Problem description, vehicle, equipment list. And pictures of install details. So many threads asking for help with no info given.

  17. I Just got the word from Mike Singer that my alt is capable up to a 5k rms system, in which My original plans was for a 3.5k system, so even when I'm ready to upgrade back to my normal plans, I will have a BEAST at hand!!! Can we Say HIGHLY UNDERRATED !!! Kylar You was not BS'n my dude!!!! This Singer Alt is a BEAST!!!

  18. anybody here use the paypal bill me later? just got approved but not sure if i should try it out or not

  19. Man, ... Mother nature, putting a serious hurt in the Philippines. God damn...

  20. I need help folks. My 2 year old French Bulldog got into some Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer I had left down by accident. He's a slight yellow hue now. But really though, do I have anything to worry about here? I don't know if he ate any or just rooted in it. He's acting normal so far, no drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Anyone with experience in this type of situation?!?!

  21. I need help folks. My 2 year old French Bulldog got into some Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer I had left down by accident. He's a slight yellow hue now. But really though, do I have anything to worry about here? I don't know if he ate any or just rooted in it. He's acting normal so far, no drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Anyone with experience in this type of situation?!?!

  22. I need help folks. My 2 year old French Bulldog got into some Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer I had left down by accident. He's a slight yellow hue now. But really though, do I have anything to worry about here? I don't know if he ate any or just rooted in it. He's acting normal so far, no drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Anyone with experience in this type of situation?!?!

  23. I need help folks. My 2 year old French Bulldog got into some Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer I had left down by accident. He's a slight yellow hue now. But really though, do I have anything to worry about here? I don't know if he ate any or just rooted in it. He's acting normal so far, no drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. Anyone with experience in this type of situation?!?!

  24. Is it time for a drink yet?

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