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Everything posted by Krakin

  1. Does it really matter if there are already people in the amplifier market? Tony clearly enjoys the audio electrical world to no end. If he designed a home-theater receiver I would be all about it. With car audio if it ain't D-class no one wants to pay for it, and knowing how Tony works there is probably no chance of him making a D-class amp. I will await to see what he decides on doing, whatever it is it will be interesting no doubt.
  2. I would rather sandpaper the ass of an alligator than wake up tomorrow..

    1. boom50cal



  3. Just got the season pass for Borderlands 2 on PC if anyone wants to join!

  4. My state indoor track meet got canceled due to snow/ice...

  5. Got my headphones and amp! Going to upload to my computer log in a bit.

  6. Did the entire site just go down for a few minutes?

    1. SlamminBeats
    2. n8ball2013
    3. Krakin


      I thought I just went over my monthly bandwidth limit...

      Thanks for the almost big let down on the last of the billing month..

  7. My Schiit amp shipped, and so did my Sennheiser HD650s!

    1. Bship


      that schiit is bananas

    2. Krakin


      "Thank you for ordering our Schiit!"

  8. Just bought Sennheiser HD 650's and a Schiit Magni, let's hope I get blown away by these! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      After you posted the link to the Sciit amps I am considering one for my Audio technica ATH-50's for the price of the Senns they better blow you away!!!

    3. Krakin


      I am so freaking excited! I got the entry amp from Schiit, the Magni, for $99 + shipping. I will do an initial review about them in my log, and then after about 60 hours of burn in on gaming, music, and TV I'll do another.

      I emailed Schiit about why I should consider them, and headphone audio; after I had already done about 2 weeks of research and then fidiling with my current equipment, Asus Xonar D1 and Tritton AX720's. They referred me to the founder's...

    4. Krakin


      After messing more and more over the days I have come to really love listening the the Vitamin String Quartet, if anyone is interested in orchestra covers of artists like Muse, The Beatles, Radiohead, Lady Gaga, RHCP, and lots of others.

  9. Omg started messing with the dolby headphone on my soundcard, SOO insanely better for everything!

  10. Been looking at headphone amplifiers, came across Schiit audio. I thought it must not be pronouced as I thought. I then went to their website, yeah take a loot. LOL! http://schiit.com/

    1. IBleedMusick



    2. Krakin


      I read through their "about" section, these are certainly people that have taken their love of audio to the extreme. :)

  11. MANTLE is out for BF4! Time to get on and try it out!

    1. Krakin


      Nvm I have to wait for AMD to release the new drivers...

  12. Looked at the astro a40 headphones once, now every ad is pretty much about those headsets...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krakin


      I know haha, I just thought I it was odd that a huge amount of the ads are of just those.

    3. Casket


      Yeah, for a while , second skin ads were all i saw. Frickin' everywhere :D

    4. DubNDodge
  13. "Hey why won't you answer my texts?" "Why won't you talk to me?" "Do you not want to see me anymore?".... Holy hell I haven't even gotten home from track yet...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hotdog


      to far would be when he reaches down and discovers he has two nutsacks between his legs.

    3. Karkov


      well this escalated quickly

    4. Hotdog


      See what happens when you talk about opening that back door.

  14. See now this to me is where it gets interesting. Now since you are posting a cheaper alternative people have choices. From the clamp tests I've seen people do it's a dmm and clamp, this is my first time seeing a scope or true rms meter for such a low price. Still comes into factor of how well the user can see clipping on the scope.It would be nice to see a comparison of equipment like what sintorman posted and the amm1. Take a look at that scope and tell me you think it will be accurate. http://www.electricstuff.co.uk/velleman_hps140.html Everything has its place and if they are used right the results will be true, but if you use cheap equipment or use it in the wrong way you will get inaccurate results.
  15. For anyone that wants more info on AC power measuring or would just like a good read here ya go. http://www.ibiblio.org/kuphaldt/electricCircuits/AC/AC_11.html#xtocid174221
  16. While running in track today, my cardiac event monitor went off while running my 250m sprint. My heart rate was over 250 bpm..... My resting rate stays in the 50's.. When on the phone with my doctor I was told I should have been in the ER from my episode..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Krakin


      I didn't quite understand everything that was being said in the call, as I am still in slight shock. I am resting in my chair now monitoring my monitor, and have been told to not participate in track anymore, obviously lol, until I can head back to the doctors for further testing and what not.

    3. MACnonsence6
    4. iceman1575


      Blood pressure wasn't high or low or anything? Never heard of that one...

  17. Got to wear a cardiac event monitor for 2 weeks... Had an echocardigram, shows everything that could be bad isn't there, such as thickening of the heart. So hopefully this monitor will find what is causing this to happen.

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. Krakin


      So far it's nothing wrong, but I think only time will tell with this event monitor.

  18. "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Albert Einstein

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      Readers are plentiful: thinkers are rare.

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