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Status Updates posted by ghostrider59927

  1. everyone join here http://plug.dj/ghost-s-dubstep/ carbon is here

    1. ghostrider59927


      come on guys carbon is getting lonely

    2. Carbon


      Tune in bitches! We are spinnin some sick beats.

    3. ghostrider59927


      now purple is here too

  2. well got my wires for big 3 mocked up today. waiting this weekend to get some solder and i can get my grounds done then i need 2 more terminals... but i need some battery terminals now :(

  3. well work was cancelled and i dont have an install till 4pm so if anybody wants to join im spinning some sick mixes and im open to chatting

    1. 8ight


      where at? I'll come listen in until I have to run out of the house for a while

    2. ghostrider59927
  4. wel i added a poll to the youtube chanel thread. and currently working on screwed and possibly chopped dubsp

    1. ghostrider59927


      and guys who know the website im spinning again

    2. ghostrider59927


      gatta go be back online later

  5. well starting tomorrow ill be posting pics of my installs here

    1. meade916


      cheaaa lets see em!

    2. ghostrider59927


      yeah and just about each install will be 50$ in my pocket for my rebuild. except where i live most of the equipment will be crap. but that doesnt mean my installs will look like it too.

  6. just posted 5 of my mixes including steve meades tahoe -basstronics slowed and screwed all done by me

    1. justin0943


      I download the music might bump it thursday and video

    2. Carbon


      Back on plug yet?

  7. guy im spinning

    1. sound.of.life


      it looks like that you don't need sleep. lol

    2. ghostrider59927


      no im spinning tracks and i couldnt fall asleep

  8. why is there never an admin on when im on

  9. amp rack is 55% done

    1. Amart88


      55? Quite an exact number.

      lol ;)

    2. ghostrider59927


      well it can move depending on what all i want to do to it so i gave a round number :D

  10. great no somethings going on with the 4ch, can i plz get a break today

  11. to everybody that has downloaded my zips delete them. i just bought a good audio mixing program and well almost half of the music is clipping somewhere so im going to fix it all sry for the inconvienince. and all nightcore songs will be done right now

    1. __d_a_v_i_d__


      pm me 28-36hz songs :D

    2. Raptorman


      *cough* bought *cough*

  12. if you wanna listen to dubstep go here http://plug.dj/ghost-s-dubstep/ but do it on chrome ie dosnt work

    1. Raptorman


      people use IE? LOL.

    2. ghostrider59927


      i know i do to but it doesnt work on ie for some reason

  13. man paypal is pissing me off :( if waited 4 days to verify my account and they havent done crap.

    1. Carbon


      paypal never does what they claim to do on time.

    2. ghostrider59927


      yeah and i need to ore\der about 100$ worth of stuff from SHCA to do an install

  14. man i need to buy a camera soon my phone doesnt pick up flex that well

    1. purplesyrup


      mine does not either, but i noticed it does better on a cloudy day than a sunny one

    2. ghostrider59927
  15. ok its 4am in 3 hrs ill have been on here for 24hrs :(:) what should i do to fix this

    1. RCP Audio
    2. Omega5002


      Shit, you're worse than me lol

  16. ok guys lets hope for the sale tomoorow on the distro blocks if so cheet iwill get real for my front stage

  17. wel puta chip n my car a few months ago for a litte better mileage. so i figured a little power today and heres the outcome its 3 min in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Umxv4RdsdS8&feature=youtu.be

    1. Carbon


      Long ass video. Nice burnout though :)

    2. ghostrider59927
  18. spinning again. playing some irish dubstep?

  19. ive gotten 51 subs from the youtube thread thanks guys :):D:P

    1. purplesyrup


      WOOHOO, that thread was a great idea

    2. ghostrider59927


      hey purple theres a new dubstep ch. i got banned from mine somehow

  20. well picked up a free 4ch amp today :) its a visonik but it was free

    1. justin0943


      free always good no matter what

    2. ghostrider59927


      yep and it at least sounds better than the HU

  21. well looks like ill have a bigger budget soon for an amp, and maybe even a new 15. got 3 installs lined up for this week

    1. Nates_Veloster
    2. ghostrider59927


      yeah so my budget just went up from 100$ :) to about 175

  22. before i make an oopsies. can i add more stuff to my for sale thread if i do it with the current date. i want to add 3 more amps to the 2 i already have for sale

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      As long as it still follows the rules, yes.

    2. ghostrider59927


      sweet just didnt want to do a whole new thread

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