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Status Updates posted by Nates_Veloster

  1. This rebuild is killing me. It's been a rough day. Ready to thrown in the towel.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      I had many of those moments on my build. Its worth it in the end!!

    3. purplesyrup


      get some more photos for build log? did not see any new ones in there yet

    4. Nates_Veloster


      My mac os was being updated so that I could update my new iPhone so I had nothing yesterday. I'll get some up today. The doors were just a beast and hand making your own battery terminals because they needed to be custom was just a long long process. The back door 6.5 mid bass is too large and will hit my window so we have more to figure out about that. The main problem was figuring out what the local audio shop did on my first install. Just crap everywhere.

  2. Build log updated for anyone who's interested.

  3. Realized you can work allllll day and have very little to show for it. Few pics coming within the hour. Nothing major today.

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      I did the same thing. LOL. Spent half the day and all I did was put in a battery...

    2. Nates_Veloster


      We spent ALL day and the battery isn't finished. There are all kinds of weird wires that connect to the factory battery so we had to modify and fit everything. We have it figured out but need a few more things

  4. XS battery on front isn't a plug-n-play. Sucks. Modifying factory wires in the rain, hoping they don't void my warranty. WEATHER SUCKS!

  5. Never done terminals before. What should I get (material) to make these?

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Battery terminals? Or buss bars?

    2. Carbon


      Copper if youve for the bank. Aluminum if your on a budget :)

    3. Nates_Veloster


      Sorry. I forgot there are a ton of different ways to take what I meant. I was talking about sub box terminals. I went with stainless

  6. I really wanna pull an all nighter and get this puppy started. I need a garage or a shop. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Let's trade nate. Lousiana right? LA for CO? Snowin right now... supposedly 4-8 inches.

    3. Nates_Veloster


      Oh no. I am a Louisiana boy. lol. I love to travel, but I love living here. Moving to NOLA soon. Will get a house with a shop then!

    4. WastedTalent


      Lol. I've never been so I have 0 input on that state....

  7. Pasti came in today! They took forever.

  8. sky high stuff came in. back after a few days. rebuild starts tomorrow! I am a huge sky high fan. Those guys rock.

    1. purplesyrup


      Sweet! checking your build log now for pics of the new goodies

    2. imnew59585


      another fan! order some copper lugs from them time to play the waiting game

  9. Gave my hand a try at a banner. What'cha think?

  10. Proud owner of a new DD-1. Photos going on build page. :) Thanks Steve.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      SO easy to use. I just did mine yesterday.

    3. 8ight


      I love tools. Have more money in tools than audio amazingly.

    4. Carbon
  11. I love this place. Ok, enough said. Excited about the last few pieces coming together. Soon my friends, soooooon. :)

    1. Kyblack76


      pretty cool HUH?

      get busy!!

    2. Nates_Veloster


      Itching. Have a great plan for a simple and clean amp rack and a cool idea to hold my bass knob and VM1 under my console. Can't wait to get started.

    3. Kyblack76


      Dont wait,. and start...

  12. I found some but wanted to see if anyone has some suggestions on finding post for my XS battery?

    1. Kyblack76


      I just asked Jeff for mine also..

      And, of course.. i bought a shirt, and decals...lol

    2. Nates_Veloster


      Ya I am grabbing some decals for all my products. Going to place them on my amp rack so when I lay down the seat you will see this clean rack and decals. Excited. Need to get these post so I can get this bat in! ;)

    3. Kyblack76


      Go see Jeff at the XS thread.. they were like nothing...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nates_Veloster


      No. It's my 10 year anniversary though and there a huge diamond in my wallets future. :-/ lol

    3. Keith77
    4. Nates_Veloster


      Working on them now .. just realized (my noob flared up) that this thing has no post. So I have to find post for the one going up front.


  15. Looking for some Fi, DC, XS and even Skyhigh (if they have one) decals. I've found a few places, but any suggestions?

    1. DubNDodge


      xx1 makes anything that deals with logos, that the company itself doesn't make. iirc.

    2. Nates_Veloster
    3. Nates_Veloster


      NM. found it. He's a member. Duh.. ;)

  16. Heat shrink ends from SkyHigh - $7 for 20 shipped. Can't beat it!

  17. Just ordered my reducers and connectors from Project DB

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nates_Veloster


      Well nothing in hand but I am excited. :)

    3. purplesyrup
    4. Nates_Veloster


      Facebook - add 'project db' and send them a message. He hit me right back. I loved the Toolmaker stuff and tried to get his first but he's just so busy he took too long to respond and I just want to get my stuff and fill this rebuild.

  18. FINALLY figured out an amp rack idea. Tired of talking. Ready to just rip stuff out and start rebuild.

  19. Looking for heat shrink.. any suggestions?

    1. Kyblack76


      I get mine at a local EWS. Electircal Wholsale Supply.

      Its where my work gets shit.... Didnt SKY HIGH have some sleeves?

    2. Azagtoth502
    3. Nates_Veloster


      Fry's? Ya KyLar, I send Skyhigh a message. I just didn't realize how expensive this stuff was so looking for a good price.

  20. Did we have a noob breakout last night?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Carbon


      New dosnt always equal noob lol

    3. Nates_Veloster


      Ya. I am new. Noob is different lol. I just seen some retarded status updates.

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Newb != Noob/n00b

      Newb == New person that is willing to learn

      Noob/n00b == Idiot that refuses to learn (can be new or old)

  21. More packages showed up. Skyhigh and RF

  22. Violet is getting a good clean and wax...full day

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keith77


      I like to use Meguiars mist and wax spray.

    3. Carbon


      I bought a kit from them a while back and it had a big foam ball drill bit that came with it for buffing. Pretty cool little kit for 30 bucks

    4. Nates_Veloster


      Ya i seen that one today carbon. powerball

  23. DB Links came in. I'll get some pics up.

  24. I don't know what to do. Almost everything is ordered and I still find myself staring at this site. :)

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      It happens a lot lol. I've run out of things to do to my car for the time being, but I'm still on here every damn day haha

    2. OrionStang


      Nothing wrong with that. I check in here way too many times a day.

    3. Nates_Veloster


      Checking in would be nice. I live here. :) I need an 'install' party soon. and then a moving party in May.

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