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97' Jeep ZJ- DC lvl3 18, Crescendo, XS, Singer, Door Pods & A-pillars finished-pg2

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This build will be gradual so bear with me :D


The Sub is a DC lvl3 18 with lvl4 upgrade, powered by a BC2000d @ 1 ohm. I have a 300amp Singer that i got from a member here, as well as an optima 34/78. I also have an
XS D1200 en-route.

I started by building the port. .375 roundover on all port edges. I should have waited to route the front of the port until the box was complete though. i Had to fill in the corners
with bondo and go over them with the router a few times to get them perfect. If i would have thought about it before i started, i could have saved myself a lot of time.

A also completely forgot to subtract the volume of the port bracing from the total port area...

You live and you learn, right? :)

Working on said port bracing. Used the C-clamp to keep the ends of the smaller pieces of mdf bracing from splitting. I like to drill pilot holes on the small side...


Working on said port bracing. Used the C-clamp to keep the ends of the smaller pieces of mdf bracing from splitting. I like to drill pilot holes on the small side...




Kenwood KIV-701
Crescendo BC2000D
DC Audio lvl3 w/ lvl4 upgrade, 18''
6ft^3 @ 27hz
MBquart ONX 4.125
(2) PWX 6.5

(2) PWX 8
(2) FT1
300amp Singer with VCM @14.5
Optima YT & D1200
My Build Log

every company has their niche market. hifonics has successfully captured the average ignorant teenage boy.

Dont trip.. Ive never won anything in my life. Spite a 10lb cock and a bucket of balls at birth,......
Yeah.. like i said, nothing in my life. :shrug: meh, im cool with it, fuck it.


Using a C-clamp to press in some T-nuts. They will be used to mount amps etc later.




I screwed both baffles together, then drilled the hole for the center pin. This way i know for a fact both baffles will match after i cut the holes for the sub.



Screwing Down the baffles.




After i got done with all of the woodwork, i slapped another heavy coat of bondo over the screw holes and belt sanded the entire box. After sanding, i went over

the endges with a .375 roundover bit in my router. The bottom edges just got a quick bevel with a palm sander.




Kenwood KIV-701
Crescendo BC2000D
DC Audio lvl3 w/ lvl4 upgrade, 18''
6ft^3 @ 27hz
MBquart ONX 4.125
(2) PWX 6.5

(2) PWX 8
(2) FT1
300amp Singer with VCM @14.5
Optima YT & D1200
My Build Log

every company has their niche market. hifonics has successfully captured the average ignorant teenage boy.

Dont trip.. Ive never won anything in my life. Spite a 10lb cock and a bucket of balls at birth,......
Yeah.. like i said, nothing in my life. :shrug: meh, im cool with it, fuck it.


After many coats of primer, more bondo, spot putty and a few more hours of sanding...


I ended up using Duplicolor Bed liner on the box. I spent a lot of time reading through forums trying to figure out which brand i wanted to use. The general consensus seemed to be they are all pretty shitty, with the exception of "Line X". I went with the Duplicolor and it came out great. I gave it 3 coats and misted it the next day.

The pics make it look kind of grey but it's really a nice satin black. It's a very hard rubber and dust comes off really easy. Just blow it off. Seems

like it will be somewhat durable as well. I scratched a few inconspicuous areas and its hard to scratch. I would assume the thick base layer of primer

has a role to play in that...





Kenwood KIV-701
Crescendo BC2000D
DC Audio lvl3 w/ lvl4 upgrade, 18''
6ft^3 @ 27hz
MBquart ONX 4.125
(2) PWX 6.5

(2) PWX 8
(2) FT1
300amp Singer with VCM @14.5
Optima YT & D1200
My Build Log

every company has their niche market. hifonics has successfully captured the average ignorant teenage boy.

Dont trip.. Ive never won anything in my life. Spite a 10lb cock and a bucket of balls at birth,......
Yeah.. like i said, nothing in my life. :shrug: meh, im cool with it, fuck it.


Drilling holes for lead wires. Hit a damn screw on the bottom right so i had to ream it out a bit. :(


8gauge, tin coated Kicker ofc, soldered.


Getting ready to bolt the sub down. I used 10-32tpi T-nuts and stainless socket cap screws.



The amp will be mounted on this panel, which will then be bolted to the box via T-nuts i pressed into the rear wall of the enclosure. The T-nuts on the panel
itself , are for mounting the amp.


The Panel was then primed, sanded & carpeted with some grey i had lying around.

Kenwood KIV-701
Crescendo BC2000D
DC Audio lvl3 w/ lvl4 upgrade, 18''
6ft^3 @ 27hz
MBquart ONX 4.125
(2) PWX 6.5

(2) PWX 8
(2) FT1
300amp Singer with VCM @14.5
Optima YT & D1200
My Build Log

every company has their niche market. hifonics has successfully captured the average ignorant teenage boy.

Dont trip.. Ive never won anything in my life. Spite a 10lb cock and a bucket of balls at birth,......
Yeah.. like i said, nothing in my life. :shrug: meh, im cool with it, fuck it.


Thanks man :)

Kenwood KIV-701
Crescendo BC2000D
DC Audio lvl3 w/ lvl4 upgrade, 18''
6ft^3 @ 27hz
MBquart ONX 4.125
(2) PWX 6.5

(2) PWX 8
(2) FT1
300amp Singer with VCM @14.5
Optima YT & D1200
My Build Log

every company has their niche market. hifonics has successfully captured the average ignorant teenage boy.

Dont trip.. Ive never won anything in my life. Spite a 10lb cock and a bucket of balls at birth,......
Yeah.. like i said, nothing in my life. :shrug: meh, im cool with it, fuck it.


27 hertz huh? That's low, not sure if you deadened that hatch or not but you're going to find out just how noisy that lift gate is. Lol, mad flex. Box looks great man, simple and very well done.

It's all gone!

The Celica Build


If I buy something from you, DO NOT USE FEDEX!


Thanks , CC. :drink40:

The hatch is dancing i bit more than it used to , that's for sure. My last enclosure was sub up, port up. I built that before i started lurking at SMD lol. Port back made a huge difference, and like you said , it's getting noisy. I don't have any deadener yet but that's coming as soon as i can afford it.

I got rid of the hatch window button to install a backup cam and i'm going to get rid of the rear wiper as well. Then i figure ill fill the whole hatch with foam.

I kept hearing people say to tune in mid /low 30's , and then you get a few here and there that say they could still play a wide range, even tuned mid 20's. I wasn't really concerned about higher notes so i knew i wanted to tune low. CJ said he wouldn't play any lower than 5hz below tuning so i figured 27-28 would be perfect. Turns out this box plays anything ill ever need it to.

Annnnnnd....I'm not even finished with this and i'm ready to build a wall. The sickness has begun..... lol :morepower1:

Kenwood KIV-701
Crescendo BC2000D
DC Audio lvl3 w/ lvl4 upgrade, 18''
6ft^3 @ 27hz
MBquart ONX 4.125
(2) PWX 6.5

(2) PWX 8
(2) FT1
300amp Singer with VCM @14.5
Optima YT & D1200
My Build Log

every company has their niche market. hifonics has successfully captured the average ignorant teenage boy.

Dont trip.. Ive never won anything in my life. Spite a 10lb cock and a bucket of balls at birth,......
Yeah.. like i said, nothing in my life. :shrug: meh, im cool with it, fuck it.


Great work on the box. I had a 96 ZJ and they a solid rides. I like how you did tinted the tail lights, leaving the reverse lens clear sets it off a bit, did the same on my car just not as dark

It's like rubbing your wiener up against a sheep.


Great work on the box. I had a 96 ZJ and they a solid rides. I like how you did tinted the tail lights, leaving the reverse lens clear sets it off a bit, did the same on my car just not as dark

Thanks man, i appreciate the compliments.

At first I wasn't sure if i would like the tail lights like that or not but, i'm really glad i didn't spray the reverse lenses. Nice to somewhat see where i'm going when backing up. They weren't very bright to begin with.

I love the jeep but the gas mileage sucks. :)

Kenwood KIV-701
Crescendo BC2000D
DC Audio lvl3 w/ lvl4 upgrade, 18''
6ft^3 @ 27hz
MBquart ONX 4.125
(2) PWX 6.5

(2) PWX 8
(2) FT1
300amp Singer with VCM @14.5
Optima YT & D1200
My Build Log

every company has their niche market. hifonics has successfully captured the average ignorant teenage boy.

Dont trip.. Ive never won anything in my life. Spite a 10lb cock and a bucket of balls at birth,......
Yeah.. like i said, nothing in my life. :shrug: meh, im cool with it, fuck it.


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