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Go for it man, my dads on disability for his heart, I'm sure you could get a temporary disability, get the surgery imo, its worth a shot. I'm sure you could continue your current ways of making a living with proper hearing protection and such, I mean it would be a pain but you gotta do what you gotta do.

1986 C20 Suburban

9 American Bass XFL 15's


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Acoustical energy is free. Electrical energy is not

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so would you be hearing farts all the time??


IMO i WOULDNT do the surgery. 1 the 50/50 is not enough of a security blanket, 2 if going broke and its not guaranteed that will fully suck. 3 and main thing a system. i couldnt go without a system so...i say stick with the ringing. once the music is up loud enough it drowns it out

keep us informed with what you do bro!

NoFearX18 said:

Nick will bang just about anything.....LMAO....pun intended

On 4/13/2010 at 9:51 AM, meade916 said:

i was like DAMN, Chode is hardcore! he makes james look like a friendly person LOL!

trainman0978 said:

I dont know who is worse with the buttholes Chode or Big P...





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Damn Broseph..... tough call. No man can tell another what to do in a situation like this. This is one that youll have to dicide by yourself and with your family. I will keep you in my thoughts/prayers that you will make the right decision for you and your family. (I got yo back bro!)

Some people need a sympathetic pat... on the head...with my hammer

Scientia est Vox

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thanks for the support bro.

I just need to stop being a pussy and do it, my doc reccomended surgery 5 yrs ago and its been slowly getting worse as he said it would.

I was up almost all night thinking about this, and most likely when the infection clears up I will make an appointment to get it started, I really want to do it, Im tired of dealing with this issue, Im just afraid ( im man enough to admit that)

as for dealing with the constant ringing, I dont think you can possibly understand what that is like unless you experience it. its allways there it never stops, and its loud as hell.

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Personally I would get the surgury, but like said thats your decision. Of coarse you gotta look into all the possible insurance plans you can find, ever think of getting the surgury done out of the country? Just throwing it out there

You'll make the right decision in the end!


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damn... my dad has what you have "but in ur case it seems to be worse"

he gets an ear infection every once in awile... and i know it hurts him pretty bad

i had it once.. it was terrible... basically that side of my face was in total pain.. got so bad i barely could open my mouth... and every movement i made that moved my head.. was OUCHIE !!!

in ur case i'd go for it... to me its one of those things.. never know until you try... and if it did go well... think of the pain it would save you every year...

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David i think i would what the dock reccomended .......being someone how uses there ears for a living i know it would be a though decision. butt i think i would go for it . I had lots of trouble with my ears as a kid . so when my son had issuse with his ears and the dock said he needed tubes . Ididn't waiste any time geting it done. take care bro

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thanks for the support guys,

Coogle, thanks mang

I know all about tubes, I have had 6 sets of permanats :(

hopefully your son has better success with them than I did.

i dont think you want to stay on the pills for the rest of your life either, they are to good on your body.

you can cook bacon shirtless if you're not a pussy...lol

not hatin, but am i wrong here it looks as if the amp is not grounded its hooked directly to the battery. it that the way it should be.



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