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KillaCam last won the day on January 4 2014

KillaCam had the most liked content!

About KillaCam

  • Birthday 02/04/1991

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  1. Haven't been on here in years and I miss it! Any OG's still here?

    1. boom50cal


      im not an OG but I been around awhile, I pop in and out to see whats good occasionally!

    2. KillaCam


      I remember your screen name. N8, Adam (hatersgonnahate), lots of of others too but not off the top of my head. I'm trying to see my old build log but cant remember my photobuck login.


      Edit: and Lbox88 my homie from Grand Rapids



    3. boom50cal


      adam is still active on fb. He remodels houses i think. A lot of the guys that were really active around 2014 or so have kinda moved on in life. I miss this hobby but just needed to take me a break from it.

  2. What does everyone use to fill kerf cuts? Im using sawdust and titebond but feel like it could use more.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hdorre


      I use PL 3x. If you wanna go full retard, you can glass over that as well.

    3. audiofanaticz


      titebond3 and fine sawdust. Mix it so its a bit thinner than peanut butter, but not so thin it runs. Once it hardens up which may take 24ish hours it should be solid. and if you have any resin and fiberglass cloth or mat you can do a layer over that, which really wouldnt cost much money or time if you had the materials on hand already.

    4. Amart88


      I used plain old resin... if i did it again, i would use pl.

  3. Oh and what is the new "death by bass" badge? That's new since my hiatus
  4. If the box is built properly bed liner or something similar won't make a difference. Sound deadener will. Lots of panels and long pieces of sheet metal in a blazer, it'll be a good investment. Personally I wouldn't waste money on rear comps and a lot of other people would tell you the same especially if you go with the front stage you're talking about. As far as the corners go you'll get mixed answers. 45's will help more with making the box more ridged than they will with any type of sound performance. If you're doing a slot port I'd use them ther and that's it.
  5. I'm just saying you learn something new after every build. Something you look back on your last one and think "why the fuck didn't I do that before". So get that out of the way and have a better quality build in your jimmy.
  6. Christmas with most of my family gone is gonna suck this year. I went all out for my brother and sister though, I'm psyched to see them open their gifts.

  7. I'd say wait but if you build something now you'll have something to learn off of with your next car. Compensate for the displacement by adding that much more volume. Don't guess. Just go sub and port back if you're not sealing it off.
  8. Pretty cool. Too lazy to watch the whole video. What range does it play?
  9. December will make 6 years since I've joined the forum. The knowledge I've gained here is more than any school could have gave me. It's strange how much life has changed in those 6 years (for the better).

  10. I want to see a Comedy Central Roast of Pat Sajak.

    1. audiolamb6


      that would be awsome

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