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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/12 in all areas

  1. If you didn't know already, i am going to be on a show on Discovery Channel called "You have been warned" - if you already know, here is an update - dont forget to hit like on their page to let them know you support your boy! http://www.facebook.com/DiscoveryYHBW here is the original link i posted on this forum (for more info) http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/142815-discovery-channel-wanted-me-to-break-stuff-ninja-pics-inside-airs-october-update-page-6-teaser-vid-page-7/ oh, i am posting from my room in the Luxor in Vegas - just got an email from them and had to share!
    3 points
  2. hit this link, there is a teaser inside of my episode http://www.facebook.com/DiscoveryYHBW
    2 points
  3. All components are now at D'Amore Engineering HQ. They will be in pre - production while we are at SEMA (owner's manuals, boxes, harnesses, ect), and full assembly promptly when we return from SEMA. We will be shipping by the 8th I'm sure. We might setup a webcam on the production of these starting on the 5th
    1 point
  4. would 11 D3100's and 5 325A alts be enough to power 9 T2500's
    1 point
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