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Status Updates posted by jdshott

  1. I love this fourm .... But when your new and ask ??s Always be ready for SMART A$$ replies . its the lay of the land :)

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. jdshott


      ^ This is why I LOVE this forum . Random - Smart a$$es - And funny no one pointed out I fat fingered the spelling of (forum)

  2. Some people use drugs to get high....... I use Subs to GET LOW

    1. White Lightning
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      I use Vagina to get happy

    3. jdshott


      ^LMAO Tis True

  3. time for new batteries .... as i watched my lights dim.

  4. Turn down for what ?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tarball


      or the po po is going to give me a citation...true story

    3. Jessica


      Turn down for that song. Volume that is.

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r
  5. left dallas tx friday afternoon @ 1 for columbus ohio. and back @ 6 this morning ...... Anything for my Kids

  6. leaving friday afternoon taking the trip from texas to ohio and back.

  7. i think 10 more 6x9s should help my mid range .....

  8. I would like to have one of the DC Audio 18.0 Ks just for bragging rights lol

    1. Leo1103


      you know its just 2 9ks with a sticker right?

    2. jdshott


      Yepp ! But Mann even with it set at nothing it would still beat the hella out of some subs :)

  9. got my high output Alt. now to figure out belt size ...

    1. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      Usually 1/2 to inch shorter

    2. jdshott


      i think your right !! autozone has two diffrent sizes 1 for low amp and the other for H.O. And thank you your response is why i checked it

    3. Tarball


      just trim your stock belt :P

  10. Took my 3 boys to Lego land yesterday ... the smile on their faces priceless

  11. Why is it every one wants 10 sub amps and then run, 20 mids and highs on 1 amp..... ???

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jessica


      i have 2 mid/tweet amps and will add a midbass amp later.

    3. Soccerballzs


      1 3500 for sub 1100/4 for mids 800/4 highsp

    4. mrd6


      1 sub amp, 1 for mids, and 1 for highs here

  12. If you plan for future , it prevents all the fails of the past.

  13. I enjoy every ride .... as long as the SQL is there LMAO!!!

    1. deathcards


      this omg this i hate listening to distorted bass fuck i understand we can only hear 1% but omfg i can hear you clipping bro

  14. Tried to contact stinger electronics to get a fitment guide on alternator 7771 and i get deamon mailer notice . tried the mother company and same result WTH ?

    1. Karkov


      Maybe you want to contact Singer? Mike singer....

    2. jdshott


      @Karkov no, Its Stinger, but I have been eyeing Singer Alts :)

  15. Your amps are probly set too high when your 80PRS Rattles everything on vol 5 ....

  16. Tweets and 6x9s Blown . and still need a H.O. Alt . Still need to do some wiring . Maybe next weekend :)

  17. My wife says im cheating on her with the SMD Forum !! lmao

    1. iwannabeloud
    2. Barnett 313

      Barnett 313

      jd I hear you, I was hearing the same thing from my wife about the forum. That you guys are on there to much, just to be talking about sounds!!!

  18. Today is my friday. when im done working ... Basshead stuff :)

  19. so i got a stinger 220A Alt today !! PROBLEM its for a FORD . How do i fit a ford alt on a chevy ? In deep thought.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jdshott


      @OrionStang Feel free im not easily offended :)

      @Gunnem I have tried to contact Stinger to get a cross reference for what it will fit. I know it came off a 95 town car

  20. i Might start a build log in th future not as impressive as some ppls on here . But its not the worst either.. i dont have any gold spray paint! lmao.

    1. _paralyzed_


      how many hones you gonna run?

    2. jdshott


      Like 17 Hones LMAO!!

    3. Karkov


      make a build log regardless, lol

  21. hard work never pays off . you either get laid off, or told to pic up the other guys slack even though he makes more.... WTH ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Miguels


      i feel the same way.. i keep getting more things to do because other lazy asses cant keep up and slack all day.. not that im not lazy but i do my job

    3. jdshott


      @ Miguels

      While they are playing games or on FB im Picking up their slack. Boss ask some1 to do something and 3 weeks later he says hey will you do it LOL!!

    4. jdshott


      And yet im working and still have time to post on here but my jobs are always done on time!

  22. Somedays i wonder what its like to have 2.1 billion dollars.

    1. Krakin


      Stop wondering and make it happen.

    2. jdshott


      @ Krakin . i wished it was that easy .

  23. Woke up this mornin only to relive the fact i need a H.O. Alt LOL!! mayb soon!

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