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Ahmed Johnson

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Status Replies posted by Ahmed Johnson

  1. I like Mcdermott on the Bulls but after seeing the highlights for Gary Harris, I want the Bulls to keep him.

  2. Our baby horse died......

  3. got stoned before i cut the grass...... lol.. stories for days... lulz

  4. People really send these messages to companies....."I got a 99 expadtion look for someone who would sponcer it with some sound". First off bud, you CANT SPELL FOR SHIT! Secondly we take Visa, MC, AMEX, Discover, and PayPal.

  5. My Niece lost her battle with cancer today. Sick of this shit.

  6. feels good for The Oval Port to be SOTM with all the other very nice builds thsi month, sweet!

  7. Not interested in the World Cup at all lol

  8. Have you ever farted and it is like a really bad one, like rotten eggs and beer, then you have to sneeze and you are stuck involuntarily taking deep breaths of your own mustard gas?

  9. out of curiosity, could you put a system in something like a volt or tesla and if so how well would it work?

  10. BUMPIN4LIFE show yourself

  11. Some of these new threads I'm reading through today...I tell ya what...

  12. Me and my partners roll up to a public intox call and one dumb ass turns to me and says, " you guys the backstreet boys?" Even I chuckled a bit b4 I crawled up his ass.

  13. can't wait for Mike Singer to get me my alt... ready to drop down and get the rest of my stuff wired up...

  14. can't wait for Mike Singer to get me my alt... ready to drop down and get the rest of my stuff wired up...

  15. Anybody with a factory bose system have to fix alt whine in their speakers?

  16. Anybody with a factory bose system have to fix alt whine in their speakers?

  17. got resin on my fleece. it really went well and i didnt use much resin at all. hope the fiberglassing goes as smooth as this part did.

  18. For those of you who are familiar with Red Ruby I have a NICE surprise for you guys coming up in the next week!!!! :D

  19. Great blown head gasket

  20. So he says "that big alternator and you only charge at 14.3?" lolwut?

  21. So glad when people come to me BEFORE they do a deal that might be sketchy and I can help them before its too late.

  22. I think I will mock up my stuff for temporary since I'm still waiting on gear. haven't had bass since like last Sept/Oct.

  23. i made it to work today without a battery in my car and listened to music for the first time in 5 months. havent had this big of a smile in a while!

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