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Everything posted by Red-navi-916

  1. u have 24 hours to change your avatar picture or i will change your avatar and your life!
  2. i got one long enough for you buut we finally building a box or mr alpine? lol
  3. its almost 12am.. want us to help u get dressed for tomorrow?what are you feeling brandon? booty shorts? or thongs u fag <3
  4. build your own woofers out of guitar strands and duct tape.. something u would try doing
  5. tell me why i clicked because of the title and i was gonna post this
  6. 1st 150-152 is a big difference big homie and 2 team dc audio is as big as TEAM SMD how do you get in it u ask? change your sig and add team dc-audio and get a sticker lol
  7. if u dont wanna jump on a band wagon then u shouldn't get DC audio either....im just saying seeing how right now u can click on member builds show offs and count 3 builds down its probably going to be a dc audio build.. now back to serious bidness and what are u using for power on the 18's?
  8. ay be thought i should let u know that i will sell u mine for $999.98 if u want it. its under a 1k
  9. the license plate kit will never show you how good teh product is, i can stick a piece of cardboard behind my license plate and stop the rattle.. i actually have quite few of these i was going to give them away on smd but steve said audio wrap is not a partner of smd so he doesnt want that on his forum like i said before.
  10. i love the bass knob........ every time i demo, i turn the deck up to my listening volume and then, i let it play a little them get nice and comfortable nod their heads........ and then TWIST SURPRISE EAR SEX BIIOOTCH!! they usually dont see the knob cuz its in my hand in my lap haha edit:i guess its the same in a way but a lot of people dont like knobs idk y
  11. whats wrong with 4g did he say 30kw anywhere? good look drew! should bang like always
  12. i was actually sitting right behind joe but there was just way too much admin/mod power going on i had to leave to the member section of the parking lot and hide. haha.. but to the side they are looking at is where the TL was set up and looks like they were looking at a car get metered. close thread!
  13. yeah he was a good dude when he died i dont think i seen one myspace page wiht out RIP woodie.. good times i was in middle school when i use to slap this.. even tho i didnt understand gangs ahha
  14. lol.. was it me that came to your house when you had car parts laid out in your living room? or was that at my house? lmfao.. good try cupcake hahah.... this idiot was using a hell knows for what rem wire the other side was probably just connected to his blinker or something, i hooked it up on my battery and it worked.. its in his car now though were good..
  15. at c-fuzzy...did u not just text me and say you cant get the deck to power up?........................... im waitin for your post to get edited. lol
  16. haha its all good bro, glad i could help you out. that youtube program should work great i have had mine for few years.. and audacity isnt bad i used mine like twice,i dont need it really i got decaf and bigpimpin to hook it up with music lol
  17. here is the youtube ripper http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/ here is your audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ u see how fast i did that? thats power of google my friend.
  18. im not pissed, its okay to ask it just gets annoying everyday someone has to ask THIS or THAT... buy it if you dont like it sell buy the other one.. thats the point of car audio going broke and not giving a shit what others think about your addiction good luck man, all im saying is which EVER one u decide to go with you will be happy with!
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