That's the damn poodle in there. Both dogs my wife and I have are poodle mixes and the first one was damn near fully house trained by the time we took him home at 8 weeks old. Has only had 5 accidents in the house in 2 years and 3 of them were my wife's fault. Beware though, when the little fugger gets to be a few months old they use the brain in a bad way and get sneaky on you. Otherwise great breed to mix with since it cuts down on the shedding and smartens up an otherwise dumb breed. Enjoy!
you actually counted AND made sure to take notes on who's fault it was? LMAO
Lmfaoo right now these loaders just looked at me like i was a retard.. p.s steve im randomly showing up at ur shop probably tomorrow if ur there i have to drive a driver on winters to pick up his truck