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Status Updates posted by BLuejoules

  1. Bought an 07 SRT 8 Grand Cherokee yesterday! Its a sexy beast

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BLuejoules


      Ill post pics when it stops raining lol

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      When is it getting walled?

    4. Karkov


      Jealous.....where are the pics. tho, lol

  2. Dear Comcast, please stop being so shitty. Thanks.

    1. Skullz


      Because they can and do.

  3. Freezefest this sunday

  4. Got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled, this sucks.

    1. Kyblack76


      take your drugs.... all of em, and take a couple shots

    2. SnowDrifter


      *laughing gas* "Do you feel it?" "...No?" *turns it up" "I feeeeel it"

  5. Just got told my 4 18s were as loud as 2 12s and an 8 on a boss amp lawl.

    1. alaskanzx5


      tell them its not april fools so the stupid jokes don't have to start yet. unless they weren't joking, in that case get a boss amp and throw out the junk.

    2. Miguels


      time to stop the BS and get loud

  6. Really have an itch to go buy an 06-10 SRT 8 Jeep

  7. T-Pains new mixtape has a lot of bangers on it

    1. meade916


      more bangers, less auto-tune i hope. :D

  8. Thats cool, give me your number, say you want to hang out, then ignore me.

    1. Krakin


      Be the one to act like you don't care.

  9. thug motivation is supposed to drop in june now

  10. Who's playing the Halo 5 beta? Its awesome.

    1. goodvibez


      I hate you -_-

      I wish I was very much so!

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