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Everything posted by HondaxPower

  1. haha , awesome and repost what i don't care we needed to see that again!
  2. you just gotta learn to ignore what people say stuff like that.... i have heard a lot of dumb people give a lot of dumb advice....
  3. download bassbox pro 6 , great program!
  4. hahaha i have seen all the vids before but #4 which was highly disturbing lol, thanks for posting it!!
  5. Alright so my birthday is coming up and I turn 16 in 10 days, have being really excited cause I want my licence.. Have always wanted to drive since i was 4 because i have always been around cars starting form my grandfather, and my dad, and the passion was passed down to me... So i have been dieing to get my licence for ever! October rolls around i was getting excited, next thing you know it The Ministry for driving goes on strict... no one can write the test to get there licence in the whole province! and no one can take the other test to get there full licence either! and i have heard rumors that they aren't coming off strict until APRIL!! So i have been really mad this pasted month, i'm a really big car enthusiast and i fell in love with car audio about a year and a half a go so i have been really dieing to get my licence to get a system going...... end of rant
  6. dam that was my dream to do a trailer, damn them!!!!!
  7. i just got the album and i'm loving it especially demons then steve played it 2 days after, made my day
  8. are you even allowed to run straight pipes where you are, cause here we're not allowed to ? and no just go with some nice mufflers
  9. i will probably do it later today, i've had a feeling to photoshop something latly
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