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Everything posted by tlee2

  1. I ran a sundown saz 1500 at. 5 ohm for a year no problems been running a saz 3500 over a year no problems. It all depends on the amp.
  2. It would better if their the same they don't have to be.
  3. Happy anniversary SMD. best car audio forum period IMO
  4. I don't agree I like the entertainment. Lol Just sayin...
  5. The eq just uses one input then has sub, front and rear out. In only uses one input period
  6. Beastly and shallow mount don't belong in the same sentence lol
  7. Its the little things that will look best. Removing emblems, tint, removing roof racks. When you try to start adding a bunch of crap you will get a ricey look. Don't do that. Tint the windows, tint the tail lights, clean the headlights paint the factory wheels black with plasti dip(you can easily pull it off if you don't like it). Bam it would look completely different for cheap.
  8. Well not really "adds" but the amount of stuff on page to page to load lol my bad
  9. I don't think its the traffic I thinks its all the ads and stuff
  10. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=wR2F9Km5d0w Feel free to fix that im on im mobile
  11. It's hot as hell outside!

  12. The saz line of sundown amps, crescendo amps
  13. That was nice as hell. I probably couldn't even get the nuts to ride down that steep drop off
  14. The fuse wouldn't just protect the amp but also the back battery
  15. Somebody that knows something about audio checking the stiffness of my subs= im fine with it. Some idiot pushing them in and out just cause they move= me pissed
  16. The dekas just cause its 2. If it was one then id get kinetik
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