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Everything posted by Torres

  1. i have a 12v circuit breaker. just push the button and it's off. i love it
  2. i want a ps3 so bad. i like playstation games more generally. still playing devil may cry 3 on ps2, fun action. plus...with me gettin a new computer, any game that i really really wanted for xbox (gears of war) are on PC now, so i got that side covered too.
  3. i'd go with RE hands down over kicker, but you'd definitely need to make a new box. they need more air per sub. i had two solo x's and didnt have the best of luck with them, so i dont like kicker anymore
  4. oh damn how i do love pics. that's a great install with lots of useful pics
  5. they didnt beat him up for shooting the old lady...they beat him up cuz he grabbed the gun and shot a detective then jumped out of a building to escape. so there really was no need to 'fit a description'. i say an eye for an eye...but that can open up a whole other can of worms. so i wont go there
  6. those are 4 10's for mids, not 4 15's. i saw this car at a car show in cincy a while back
  7. adding a new battery wouldnt hurt, but just be careful because you dont want too much strain on your alternator or you'll have bigger problems
  8. x2 mine are only 15's, but for 4 of em i got 16 cubes
  9. i say fi. like fye. there's no separation in the letters so i dont call it F.I.
  10. what kind of options on the btl? you'll need like 2k/2500 or more to really move those
  11. damn! 400 bucks? give or take? i'd definitely be interested. but it'd have to wait till after christmas sometime
  12. just got my btl's in...and they're loud and low. so very nice
  13. omg that finger is CRAZY! ugh...i knew a guy who tried to jump and grab a ledge and his hand slipped, but his wedding ring didnt. went straight into his finger. he had to get his wedding ring cut off and some stitches. but not that bad. i cant stop looking at the bone part lol
  14. the longer you wait, the more you'll appreciate it
  15. i'm not really a big fan of pioneer. i'm not sure what it's rated at, but if you had the same power split between 2 other subs, then no it wouldnt be louder. a pair has more cone area making it louder. i cant be certain but i doubt it'll move enough air to make it hard to breathe. need lots of power and some good speakers for that
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