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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Updates posted by OrionStang

  1. Would like someone to buy my Rainbow components.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Makes no sense.

    3. jg23


      ???? ^^^he wants someone to buy his components

    4. h23a3lude


      sorry lol i read it wrong, im a jackass.

  2. Maltese Poodles are fucking smart, yo!

  3. Just got some Hertz tweeters, FOR FREE!!! Thanks Jason, great surprise.

    1. Trey_Dog650


      wow that was nice of him! i guess he really did get a steal off eBay. Anyways glad to see some good as always!

  4. I'm fucking done with COD. $50 for Black Ops and Mw3

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. jg23


      oh i already have them for xbox. i was jus trying to find out cause you said they were cheating. doesnt happen for xbox lol. everything gets patched instantly

    4. stevog


      mw3 sucked and black ops was alright but the best part was the zombies.

  5. Times are tough. Nobodys buying, and I got a Mayhem waiting for final payment.

  6. Times are tough. Nobodys buying, and I got a Mayhem waiting for final payment.

  7. Anybody want to buy a used Black Ops for PS3?

    1. OrionStang


      How about MW3? Sick of this franchise.

  8. Anybody want to buy a used Black Ops for PS3?

  9. 200.4 is off to db-r. Hope it gets back in time for Lake Perris.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      None. Broke as a joke.

    3. siccostyle


      i have been gone for a few days what happened with the 200x4?

    4. OrionStang


      One of the channels stopped working. Just one of those things. No biggie, it's under warranty.

  10. 200.4 is off to db-r. Hope it gets back in time for Lake Perris.

  11. Just finished a 10 page essay describing the role of every person in the courtroom during a trial. My brain is done.

  12. Just finished a 10 page essay describing the role of every person in the courtroom during a trial. My brain is done.

  13. Need some help guys. Check out my sale section threads, throw me an offer. I need to fund the rebuild for finals.

    1. bass_stalker


      you arent the only one

    2. OrionStang


      Not asking for charity, just buy my shit LOL. Rainbow mids are nice.

    3. bass_stalker


      they are nice, just out of the price range for a jobless 17 yo lol,

  14. Need some help guys. Check out my sale section threads, throw me an offer. I need to fund the rebuild for finals.

  15. 4" Rainbow mids, hit me up if you're interested.

    1. Nine8SST


      Model # and price mang?

  16. 4" Rainbow mids, hit me up if you're interested.

  17. Just got tracking info for the first Mayhem. I haz teh excited.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Fuck yea. This just made my nipples hard.

    3. GiAnT4LYFE


      Can't wait to see it. Are the doors staying the same? I'm in love with those.

    4. OrionStang


      Yep, keeping the doors.

  18. Just got tracking info for the first Mayhem. I haz teh excited.

  19. We need a pet name for SKAR, seems like the new bandwagon brand.

    1. 727Designs


      Skar has gone nuts in GA. Seems everyone is running them.

  20. We need a pet name for SKAR, seems like the new bandwagon brand.

  21. Working on a cardboard template for the floors of my wall. Pain in the ass. Once that's figured out, the rest is cake.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. MrSkippyJ


      damn. i have never used cake in an install, i bet i would work harder if i use it. :)

    4. BassJunkie
  22. Working on a cardboard template for the floors of my wall. Pain in the ass. Once that's figured out, the rest is cake.

  23. Somebody loan me $520, please.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. KillaCam


      Yeah, not much in there lol but Id rather see it go towards the stang build than anything.

    4. BassJunkie


      How soon could you pay it back?

  24. Somebody loan me $520, please.

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