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MrSkippyJ last won the day on April 28 2024

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About MrSkippyJ

  • Birthday 01/18/1979

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  1. Most component set passive crossovers don’t include a high pass for the midwoofer. I would check to make sure but it’s likely you need to high pass the amp’s output.
  2. Have you tried without the bass knob connected at all?
  3. when do you hear this? Does it change with volume?
  4. damn, that is nice. i bet it was a pretty penny.
  5. I'm guessing they play it WAY up for TV. Actually, there is no way they don't, I bet hes a blast to be around off camera. Still enjoy the show though!
  6. That dudes TV personality is annoying but I like the show anyways and the cars they build!
  7. I don't know man. We are now officially way beyond what I understand! lol
  8. I am super unfamiliar with that amp, if I were to guess though it would be something on the input side of the adjustments. That being said I have looked at the manual for about 5 minutes total. Speaking with Audiocontrol could help for sure. Is 52 the max with the gain all the way down?
  9. I just went and read some of the instructions for your LOC. Turns out it isn’t a LOC at all really. Your headunit doesn’t have an output at all really. All it does is send a message to the amp and tells it what to do. That’s where the PAC AmpPRO intercepts the message and turn it into audio. There is no conversion from high to low level. Still doesn’t explain why you didn’t get a signal but very much explains why you can turn the head unit up to max with no distortion. And then your amp...lots of settings in side that thing. Start playing around in the amp’s settings (with no speakers hooked up) until you get a signal on the DD-1 to see what is going on. You have so many controls on the amp I’m guess one of those is the issue. It doesn’t appear the the PAC device has any output adjustments except to shut off the factory EQ.
  10. Just make absolutely sure everything is set to off/0/flat. EQs, any kind of volume adjustments (speed for example), and balance/fade.
  11. You can check everything with the probes of the DD-1 plugged into the amp outputs. Zero reason to check everything at each point. Set the amp and LOC gain all the way down Then check max clean output of the headunit at the amp with the 0db track (which very well could be max). Then with the headunit at that volume setting and using the 0db track turn the LOC gain up until you get distortion. Then do the amp using a -5 or -10db track. Done. Super simple, don't make it more difficult than you need too.
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