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Everything posted by UnderLoK

  1. When Santa takes a north to southerly route the winds generated by his sleigh are so intense that it redirects the jet stream and brings snow to the south.
  2. They are ok... I have a 4.500 STL, don't get it, overheats like crazy. I know two guys with DTowers and they love them. Stay away from the XXX series if your newer to car audio, they basically have no warranty because in their words "XXX Series do not have flaws so if it breaks it's all on you". Soundstream had a really REALLY bad stretch for awhile, but they cleaned things up a year or two ago I guess. Outside of that I'm butt hurt when it comes to SS so that is about all I have to say. I was in the same boat as your dad. Did car audio from 91-99 (still run JL W6's and MMATS in my old Caddy from the late 90's). Coming from his time I would say just stay away from PPI and Orion. If you want hassle free don't buy the gear online find a local shop that does massive volume because if something breaks you can return it if you're cool. From back then the only amps I would still buy that I used back then are MMATS. Like I said I have 2 that have been beating since 97 or 98.
  3. They just say that so people don't go running a wire from alt to alt and then to the batt. I would run each alt to where ever was easiest (not alt to alt though obviously because then you would be trying to cram all those amps down 1 run and that won't fly)... EDIT: That's assuming you didn't get some dual alt setup to do 16v-18v on the secondary in which case it would have to be isolated.
  4. That's one perk about my TBSS. I can't go past 22 and it's AWD so I can't drop it
  5. For larger items FedEx is cheaper for me and while my UPS guy is great my packages arrive more beat up. I've never had a delivery problem ever with either one though which is pretty surprising considering the volume I used to do with FedEx. What slays me is the price difference between me shipping and when I shipped for my work. I would send a 40lb package that was like 2'x3' and it would cost me 2x-3x less to overnight it than it would to send it UPS or FedEx or USPS ground (now that I don't work there anymore that is). It sucks...
  6. Wow, I had no idea Rock was a pedo bear fan... Sick mofo for sure which sheds more light on his divorce. I'm generally the kind of person that believes if you make a mistake and society punishes you for it your debt is paid, but I just can't see that were pedo's are concerned. Anyways congrats man and you really do HAVE to see the BBC Top Gear. The humor is insanely funny... My wife even loves it, but the US one is meh... I don't mind the Italian guy but the other two are too annoying and their track sucks.
  7. It's not the site, it's the people with accounts on it. Tons of feds, other site owners, etc. On a side note, Gawker is only part of the network. Gizmodo, Lifehacker, and the rest aren't gossip. This is JUST Lifehacker (for example) VISITS Total 1,280,047,695 Average Per Day 1,989,726 Average Visit Length 0:00 Last Hour 119,077 Today 918,220 This Week 13,928,082
  8. It is, but like I said there, most sites only learn once they get hacked. I was just shocked they were using DES encrypted passwords. I used to run some big sites in the late 90's/early2K and learned my lessons there, but with how quick they sent out the notices about changing your password and the fact that the sites never went down leads me to believe they are going to get owned again. While Unix security is great the number one problem is that if it does get hacked the systems have to be rebuilt simply because there are far too many places to hide and with how quickly they said they have contained the problem it tells me they only think they found the holes. Looking through some of the stuff released made me laugh because it was obvious they haven't had to really deal with security at all.
  9. I did a search and don't see a post about it so I figured I would toss it up especially for the staff (guys like us obviously don't impact the site). Their network, usernames, and passwords were leaked. If anyone on the staff used the same password for both sites it would be wise to change it. I've had people trying to get into a couple of my accounts since Sunday and didn't know where it was coming from until today. If your a techi and care then read this http://blogs.forbes.com/firewall/2010/12/13/the-lessons-of-gawkers-security-mess/ DES encryption for password... fail...
  10. 10 Sqft be enough for trunk? You have to measure your trunk man don't you know how to get the square feet?
  11. I had a 99 SVT Contour (in 99 and 00)... I ran a MMATS on 3 W6's sealed and it slammed. If you want to run low constantly though you have no choice but to go ported in which case doing even 3 would be tight unless you dedicate the entire trunk (well close to it).
  12. I just used a Flip UltraHD. Does ok and you can get them now days for <$150 ($99 yesterday). No matter what cam you use it's going to sound like crap without a separate mic (and a good one at that). This flip doesn't distort too bad with the bass compared to some of the more expensive camera/video options.
  13. Congrats man! I know the feeling... In my case Matthew resolved a few problems I was having and provided a better product on top of it.
  14. Actually as a general rule the guys that show up at large companies to work on your desktop make next to nothing. The companies the big 3 used around here were paying something like $9 an hour. Horrible... IT isn't overpaid... We get screwed out of holidays, are on call 24/7/365 (in most cases), are responsible for ALL of your data, your backups, your emails, your files, your desktop, your laptop, your phone, and it goes on and on and on. It's a PITA high stress job more often than not especially when you're a net/sys admin. These jobs go beyond complicated especially when you came from a time before Google when people actually had to know stuff... I'm a really nice guy, but I used to be a raging asshole and the only reason I'm not anymore is because I had a break from lusers and well my wife made me relax. My last 4 jobs were through people I knew (which covers the last 10 years). This latest one was a childhood best friend who I haven't seen since I was 12 and it turns out he has owned a consulting business for 10 years and needed help. Wish I would have known he did this 10 years ago...
  15. Most skill based jobs pay well. IT, carpenter, electrician, iron worker, pipe fitter, etc. Number one problem is that these jobs aren't growing right now (except IT obviously) so making the switch now will be a serious problem. Honestly if you don't have any skills yet then making a switch now is more than likely a very bad idea. All of the skilled guys I know started when they were 16 or 17 and back then there was more work than workers. You would have to go to school to learn the trade or take a job which won't start paying well until you hit journeymen. I've been in IT since I was 18 (16 years) and never finished college. Back then I had gone for 2 years with CS as my major and I just couldn't take learning Cobol and Fortran and other crap that was out dated when I was 5 years old so I quit. While I do pretty well not having a degree does hurt you on the job search itself. Once I would get called in for an interview I was golden simply because experience is king, but getting that interview is another story.
  16. NP man, I've used tons of apps and screwed with a few roms over the last 14 months I've had the phone (obviously), but now days I use it for mostly work so I've trimmed it down a bit. I'm actually up for a new phone (have a hero now), but I still don't know what I want. The damn EVO is just too big. I want an updated Hero
  17. What's on my phone now (sans root crap) Android System Info Angry Birds Fandango File Manager Free Advanced Task Manager Notes NPR OpenTable PDANet Peep Ringdroid Scanlife Ustream Wifi Analyzer Yelp
  18. Under clock it or try a better PSU (one that is either more in line with the box's needs or one that's just more efficient). Outside of that really the only other thing you could do is put it in another room/closet.
  19. Do you know anyone with a ton of messages running an EVO or Epic? I'm chugging along on a Hero w/ 2.1 and it's literally killing me at work. For contacts with a ton of interaction (huge history) the screen at times will take upwards of 30 seconds to load a text from a contact with a large history. Or if I get a text or call while I'm writing an email or a text the phone just stops responding for 10 seconds. I know it has more to do with it being on an older platform, but just thought it was worth asking about on a newer phone. All of the reviews on bother the Epic and EVO are positive, but not with people who have monster history (they are just reviewing it so they might have 20 messages and an email for a given contact). I'm still not sure if I want an Epic or an EVO though... How is the keyboard? On my Hero I get a good 5-8 words ahead of the screen which is pretty annoying.
  20. Thanks man! What happened to you running woofer(s) anyways? Slacker!
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