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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. might sell my 15...

    1. BigManAC


      Switching sizes or subs?

  2. finally got out of the damn house to get some bump...bumped for 20 minuted while driving...not full tilt...yet but it sounds fantastic on the higher notes..

    1. MrSkippyJ


      crank that shit up man!!!

  3. finally feeling a little better today..and hope i get much better by tomorrow so i can finally hear some bump..(sucks getting a new sub, install it and then not beeing able to hear it because you are getting sick)

  4. being sick for the past 2 days...feeling like shit and having stomach ache all over the time..high fever and stuff..thank god there is internet and the SMD or i would gert bored to death

    1. MrSkippyJ


      i hate that feeling!! get better so we can make snide comments about your systems :)

  5. ok..as you guys sugested..im gonna give it som time to ˝break in˝ which i dont belive in breaking in...will see..also need some quad parts...my rear axle on my 4wheeler broke..

    1. MrSkippyJ


      Once a sub is broken in it will play lower and louder. What was the issue you were having?

    2. BoomZoom808


      Break in is a real thing break in time has a lot of variables

  6. so i installed the new GZ sub...it does sound good and it gets loud...but the old nuclear slammed the low lows like a champ...this one sounds like it cuts after 30hz or down..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skullz


      You have a new sub that has yet to break in and your comparing an old broken in sub to one that is new. lol

    3. gally


      box is tuned to 36...and it just feels odd

    4. deathcards


      loose spiders to new spiders give it a week or 2 then listen to a set of headphones you love for a couple minutes then go out and listen if you don't like it then i would rebuild the box

  7. today when i wake up im gonna install the New GZero Radioactive 15spl..

  8. build log is set..now i only need some vids and a test video of the finished box for the radioactive spl sub

  9. ok...need to fugure out how to get a video in there..also pics of installing the Radioactive are comming later

  10. build log is set...pics are set...now how do i upload some videos wihtout youtube...oh an some pics of car is oming

  11. so one of my 12s got me a broken basket..dont know how did i not noticed that...instead of replacing everything i just sold both the 12s and got me something a bit different...also a PAC LC1 came in today so pics of everything comming in....

    1. MrSkippyJ


      I don't believe it. Not for a second. Not you. Switching equipment? Lies...

  12. Scarells - Doshy DCU VIP track sounds...nice..also got me some stereo mics for my phone to get better audio

  13. Scarells - Doshy DCU VIP track sounds...weird

  14. in my trunks fit either 2 12s or 1 15...now which one..im still not in it...cant do both....but the 12s are New and never even given the power...the 15 is used i think...dont know about the changes...a little bit skeptical about this mater..

  15. Orion..im not trying to be a dick but i just done have the time to build any of this things like i would like to do, not even have the time to get me for a ride on a bike.anyway..who cares really..

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. gally


      yeah...easy to say...cant fit 2 15s in this car...2 12s at max or 1 15...

  16. Orion..im not trying to be a dick. of which i usually am on the road but mostly on my moped in the summers...but i do have the equipement, its just i dont have that much of a time to do some build right now...anyway..who cares really..

  17. i need some answe of you guys..its about a deal.. iwould be tradding the same series but my 2 12s for 1 15?? should i or should i not..im in some kind of a dilema..also the 12s have a 2.5˝voice coil and the 15 has a 3˝one..

  18. i need some answe of you guys..its about a deal.. iwould be tradding the same series but my 2 12s for 1 15?? should i or should i not..im in some kind of a dilema..

  19. ok...finally my nw15SPL is blown...took some time to get blown...recone?

  20. my car seems is going to shit itself...went to a mechanic and he told me that the computer chip and some other chip is burned..now i need to wait for it

    1. Skullz


      Always, always, always, consult others for second and third opinions, and even go on your model only car forum to see if others have had the same problem and what the solution may be, your mechanic might be correct but it never hurts to know for certain.

  21. how do you get to tune an aero port which is outside the box and not inside of it?

    1. OrionStang


      The only difference is you don't subtract the space the port takes up from the box volume.

    2. Miguels


      in the torres calculator you put the length of the port on the outside option

    3. Miguels


      external port length

  22. -8°C and snowing with strong wind over here....sucks to be out in this weather

  23. looking at the DWZ 120...4inch magnet and it looks damn big...

  24. ever heard of Dragster DWZ subs??

    1. ToNasty


      think its an italian brand

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Sounds like something Goku is looking for.

  25. can a 9515 get low??? like playing lower notes like 26, 28hz OR are they made just for normal listening or higher frequencies...just asking

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gally


      like for normal plaing for lows...or it isnt made for that at all

    3. ToNasty
    4. Kyblack76
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