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Status Replies posted by ProMaxx316

  1. why do these women at college have to be so damn hot. I am a warm blooded male you know. And i care about my gf too much to act on it.

  2. Bud Light Platinum is my friend tonight.

  3. I have 4 sets of AA 7" Carbon mids left avaialble. PM me if you are interested.

  4. USB ejects from headunit when I try to play full tilt, does that mean i'm somewhat loud or I have a shit headunit haha?

  5. Up till 2am, got the amp,4th battery and bars in. Up at 5, and now on our way to our first comp a state away. Don't know if it even plays?!? Lol oh well

  6. Woooohoo since im taking a auto class atnour career center i get a 50% discount on snap on tools hell ya!

  7. Well, starting the process to snitch on old job. Harassment and wage issues. Let's see what happens...

  8. Day 15-order status: awaiting fulfillment........sigh (fi recone kits)

  9. Today is day #1 of new job. Let's hope it goes well.

  10. Why am I being so difficult between choosing 1 15" sp4 or 2 12" FI Q's in a Honda accord lx :/

  11. Logging off before I really go off on someone. Someone call me when it's over

  12. Just found this out... Old, but new to me... May have to go check on him. http://gazette.com/article/705255

  13. Thank you Wastedtalent. Thats all i got to say. He'll know. Let's just say me turning my ringer off was a good choice.

  14. Thank you Wastedtalent. Thats all i got to say. He'll know. Let's just say me turning my ringer off was a good choice.

  15. Hmm my stepdads friend is selling i 96 jetta with 120k for 800 (friend discount) if my stepdad doesnt buy it i may and wall it id need the money but ill find it lol

  16. Knew that thread would disappear fast. lol

  17. Oil change today. Going to try the thickest oil I can for the temp -- 10w-40 vs. the 5w-30 I've been using. Hopefully it will quiet down the subaru piston slap a bit

  18. And the winner of the greatest post this century, goes to Purplehaze! Magnificent my friend! That shat was epic to say the least! I'm going to frame the screenshot I took and put a gold star on it, then hang it in my shop for inspiration! You are the truth telling man!! Thanks for making my Friday morning!

  19. Hmmm, to remove pin striping or leave it as is....

  20. Well i enjoyed my week vacation of doing NOTHING. Now im back at work. After saying my good mornings to everyone........ I already wanna go back home.

  21. they told me us we could be anything....so we became unicorns... team unicorn ftw!!!

  22. Mind is made up.. I'm done.

    1. ProMaxx316


      that bring is up to roughly 250 bucks if i had a dollar every time you said "you're done". You in to deep and Kylar aint gonna let you go

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  23. Just ordered some RRP gears for the T-Maxx. I keep telling myself im not gonna put much money in the RC cars, but they keep pulling me back. And i just love the smell Of Nitro fuel

  24. Just ordered some RRP gears for the T-Maxx. I keep telling myself im not gonna put much money in the RC cars, but they keep pulling me back. And i just love the smell Of Nitro fuel

  25. Jay-Z new album. Damn good. he still got it.

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