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Status Replies posted by SnowDrifter

  1. What's the going rates for an alarm install? 2 way alarm to be specific.

  2. almost got attacked by a dog today. guy just lets his dog out in the front yard with no way of containing it and then goes inside. second time this same dog has done this. what if a young kid was walking by or something. fuckin insane.

  3. just pai gowed all of my chips.. dealer tryin to decipher ,my mixelplix.!!! its all on a bitch mane .lady luck thang

  4. Another day not feeling it

  5. Spend $50 they say you should have spent $100. Spend $1000 they ask you why you didn't buy something that was $2,000 instead. Spend $2,000 they say that you could have gotten the $5,000 model. It never ends. One thing is for sure, i have yet to get a check in the mail to go with the "suggestion". SMH LOL

  6. Lucy was a good movie. One of those head-y ones that make you think

  7. Lucy was a good movie. One of those head-y ones that make you think

  8. Lucy was a good movie. One of those head-y ones that make you think

  9. My life had enough stress, car audio seems to really add to it...

  10. 900+hp electric car. Pretty much WTF levels of torque

  11. 900+hp electric car. Pretty much WTF levels of torque

  12. Hoping to have the water pump fixed on the Toyota. Involves timing belt, ugh. Hope this aint to bad.

  13. What ever happened to just being loud? Now it's "how do I break my mirror off" or "I want to do hair tricks"

  14. Mounting an amp infront of an floor ac vent.. Question is can an amplifer ever get to cold? amp is a Rockford Fosgate pbx 300x4

  15. Subwooooooooooooooooooooooofer

  16. I found out today that my hours at work are being DOUBLED!!!! Yes!!!!

  17. got a strong inclination ..i need 2 smdv2 15"- 4 more d7500's-2more 25bdcp's... then ill be content.. i think ?

  18. sub wasnt mounted right, it had a leak on bottome side. I remounted and got a 150.4 with the single 12!!

  19. you ever get so frustrated with your build your ready to just give up.

  20. 4 new tires for truck $600, 4 new tires for Tarus $400, inner tie rod for tarus $40, struts for escort $600, wheel bearing for honda $50, rear springs for honda $275, oild pan gasket for honda $20, alternator belt for honda $30, oil changes for all cars.. Being an adult sucks.

  21. nendo 3.5k is heating up like a mofo @.5.....

  22. truck won't start, out of money, 3 weeks till the end of the semester and i have no motivation for any of it -.-

  23. Feeling very sad

  24. it's determined that my next rebuild will be able to full tilt "lights down low" and "takin chances" because I wanna be like bighoss. 20hz full tilt rocks cock

  25. If I could remember all of the stuff I posted, I would be one smart sun of a gun.

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