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Status Replies posted by meade916

  1. Ordered up my DD-1 waiting like a kid in a candy shop :D

  2. "I got a mirror in my pocket, and I practice lookin' hard"

  3. Beginning Monday, i'll be riding a big brown truck every day.

  4. Played with the DD-1 today. Makes me want to put the scope on the market.

  5. hmmm a little experiment. How many of you can i get to respond to this. Start now. I want the record. lol

  6. hmmm a little experiment. How many of you can i get to respond to this. Start now. I want the record. lol

  7. hmmm a little experiment. How many of you can i get to respond to this. Start now. I want the record. lol

  8. hmmm a little experiment. How many of you can i get to respond to this. Start now. I want the record. lol

  9. Weather getting cold, time to sit on computer, joined the forum!

  10. Does anyone else's dd-1 make a noise when the distortion light comes on?

  11. I went quietly, no kicking and screaming. Twilight series gets better every time. Still dont care for the first.

  12. Showing my support for Steve and this forum... I am now a Silver Member :) Show your appreciation and sign up today cheap asses!!

  13. I wish half the morons that post shit on facebook would learn to unshare it from here. We dont care to read about you and your emo life style you fags...

  14. Anyone else notice the number of people offering to design "custom" subwoofer enclosures for a fee? Should have to provide some credentials before advertising as a pro.

  15. im back.... and twice as ugly......

  16. "One more pound of smoke, guaranteed to make a motherfucker choke".

  17. hmm.. BMW > Lexus ?

  18. all these people spamming there way to 18+ makes me lol

  19. For all you who bitched about me selling the SOTM prize, I lost my ass on shipping. Hope it makes you all feel a little better. I feel great, somebody is getting a nice starter system.

  20. Lost my tv remote. Soccer is on. FML.

  21. i have 500+ photo's of SICK cars we've done waiting to go up just wondering if im allowed to have one big build log

  22. i have 500+ photo's of SICK cars we've done waiting to go up just wondering if im allowed to have one big build log

  23. Just got the Leviathan via UPS. Very nice looking amp, check it out in my build log. Install tomorrow.

  24. my halloween party is gonna be off the hook. bunch of dtf hoes

  25. so bored, waiting for a couple woofer orders to show up and have some fun!

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