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Status Updates posted by hershy314

  1. After a month in this new town I finally got an interview

  2. Had my first Thanksgiving dinner in a couple of years, almost forgot what it was like.

  3. Next build: keep it in the cab or use the bed as well

  4. Getting a new ride in a few months, well new to me. 1987 F150 with a straight 6 and low gears

  5. Took a test to see what side of my brain I use the most. The results were kind of surprising. I use both sides almost equally. 51% right and 49% left.

  6. no longer in St Louis, but I will be again soon. Just as soon as I find some work and get some money saved up. Also that "date" I had on Halloween went well...sorry no pics

    1. WastedTalent


      SMH hersh. SMH. But hope all is well with ya man.

  7. got a date thursday with the cutest girl i know

  8. Anyone know of a place that lends money to those who have bad credit? Trying to get a loan of about $600 so I can pay my rent and avoid getting evicted. Serious need of help.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hershy314


      Well I have found a couple places nearby that are about $100 cheaper than where I'm at so going to try my luck there.

    3. hershy314


      Contacted one place, it's about $100 cheaper and a two bedroom so might possibly get a roommate. I know it would help out a lot to get one, but haven't had much luck with roommates in the past.

  9. Start my new position at work this week, kinda nervous. I do have some experience working in the kitchen, but that was 10 years ago

    1. WastedTalent


      It'll come back to you man. At first it'll be new and all but it'll come back.

    2. KillaCam


      Back to the kitchen you go.

  10. I'm an idiot. Had this girl come in yesterday for orientation. Now normally I just start up a video the newbies have to watch and go back to what I was doing. Some reason this girl I felt that I had to talk to her. One thing I forgot to do was get her name. Probably cause the boss walked up to us and I stepped away to finish my shift. Oh well, still had fun for the 10 or so minutes we talked.

  11. Half way through this class I still got !00% for my grade, and I'm having fun doing it.

  12. Funny how some people get excited about their up coming birthdays, mine is tomorrow and honestly it just feels like another day. I'll still go to work. Maybe I just reached that age where I just don't care anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. hershy314


      I see your point, but honestly it feels like any other day.

    3. Miguels


      happy bday sucka!!!

    4. WastedTalent


      Hershy boy!! Happy Bday. And I know what you mean. Past... shit, like 7 bdays? Just get up, go to work, go home and bed. Don't even eat on my bday usually. Sad thing is, not even in the middle of my 20's yet. I'm near there but not there yet. So definitely know what ya mean man.

  13. Scorllin through my FB news feed and I see that the Rockford Fosgate Sound Lab is in my Home town today and guess where I am....no where near there. Damn would of been nice to check it out.

  14. After over a year of searching for a new job, it might be over. Job interview on Monday.

    1. Josef344


      Congrats on the interview!

    2. hershy314


      Thanks and good luck in Cali, had some great times out there before

  15. After over a year of searching for a full time job, I may have found one. Interview tomorrow.

  16. It's funny how much you can learn about someone that you thought you knew your whole life.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      oh shit, lol. If it's the girl in the STL that you told me bout... go for it man. If it's someone else... still, go for it. lol.

    3. hershy314


      she just broke up with her bf, wants to be single a while

    4. 8ight


      Good. Nothing like being the rebound date. Good luck to you with your lady friend mate.

  17. Holy freak....I did an evp session earlier. I'm playing it back on my computer. I ask if it can make a noise or something. I heard nothing when I asked. Just played it back. Right after I ask for it to make a noise I hear 2 taping sounds.

  18. Landed one job back home, just got an interview for a second job.  I  haven't even started moving yet....loving 2013 so far

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. n8ball2013


      so what is this real job you speak of? good thing you got a transfer. i hate the job hunt process.

    3. hershy314


      im a cook at buffalo wild wings

    4. hershy314


      i don't need a second job, but wouldn't hurt....means more money :)

  19. Can't believe the luck I'm having. I just landed a job back home, and a place is not far behind. 2013 is a good year and it's just began

    1. LT.Smoke


      Patience pays off bro...

    2. hershy314
  20. Things could be looking up finally, got an interview back home next week.

  21. hmmm....lots to think about right now...and no simple answers....oh well, I like a good challenge.

  22. Has anyone rented a car before? I'm thinking bout renting one from enterprise so I can make it home for the holidays, but I  have never done this before so I don't know what to expect.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hershy314


      I just hit a major problem, according to the site if I use a debit card I got to do it at the rental place and pay 100-300 deposit on top of the price of the rental. Yeah think I'm staying put instead of going home....major bummer.

    3. Lbox88


      That's usual. Pay with a credit card and keep the money set aside in your account?

    4. hershy314


      dont have a credit card

  23. The stupidity of some people has no limits

    1. hershy314


      some idiot almost hits me as I'm walkin home this morning. so I flip him off. dude stops and gets out as if I done something wrong. yeah well he got back in his car and took off soon as I started walking towards him. I swear people around here a as dumb as you can get.

    2. SnowDrifter


      I honked at someone who didn't look when they pulled out in front of me. Their solution? To hit the brakes, stop in the middle of the road, and honk back.

  24. For once had a great day

  25. First day off since who knows when :)

    1. WastedTalent


      Well shit man, Merry Happy Thanksgiving. yeah, I put merry and happy both in there. Whatcha gonna do bout it?

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