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Status Updates posted by ShaneBond

  1. Happy birthday to the most amazing woman in my life!!! I love you mommy!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Yessir! Just don't fall victim and link your facebook status here hahaha

    3. jg23


      lol its linked but i dont post shit like this. mostly pics and car audio shit lol.

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      You should be safe then!

  2. Bieber kills it in his new song I don't care what you say.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      :roflmao: at the long list of one word insults :rofl:
    3. Bigsix


      There's one for the list of thoughts you shouldve kept private. homo.

    4. Bigsix


      There's one for the list of thoughts you shouldve kept private. homo.

  3. Within 36 hours I have lost 8 pounds and have only been able to eat 2 pieces of toast and drink some pink lemonade. Livin the great life!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      You'd be sick too if you were balls deep in Justin Bieber.

    3. Hollowstylez


      haha ^ Deeerp, didn't think about that. Food poisoning maybe?

    4. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Or he is on speed or other popers.

  4. This next 4 hours of work is going to kill me -_-

  5. Selling my hookah for 70 any takers?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hugh G. Rection
    3. Hugh G. Rection
    4. KillaCam


      He stores it on the top shelf of a bookcase... inside his ass.

  6. I love leaving dents in peoples cars when they park too close to me at Sinclair.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      The day you get caught doing it will be so funny. but x3 on agreeing thats a bish move to say the least.

    3. OrionStang


      How about man the fuck up, and wait for the driver to come back to their car. Then ask them why they parked like they did.

    4. SnowDrifter


      Don't be a little bitch about it. Messing with anyone else's car is a plain dick move.

  7. audioque 3500.1d should be here any minute now. the suspense is killing me...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BassHead1990


      what are you putting the pwer to?

    3. ShaneBond


      4 aq sdc 2.5 12's :)

    4. ShaneBond


      nevermind wont be here till tomorrow -_-

  8. Why are my eyes so green today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Omega5002


      Oh yeah, Bieber kid lol

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Yea, THAT guy........

    4. n8ball2013


      probably becuase you're putting all this shit in your status updates. Cant be any brown left.

  9. Now I remember why I didn't want to come back to work... Cuz the screw me with the worst hours.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emmet


      Listen to your bieber cd to make you feel better.

    3. Trey_Dog650


      your such a baby, baby, baby ohhh lol

    4. OrionStang
  10. McDonalds sweet tea and coke. Amazing

    1. Lbox88


      That sounds fucking aweful

    2. IBleedMusick


      Sounds like liquid diabetes to me

    3. Lbox88
  11. oh yeah mac miller with Sam Warren this weekend! cant wait bout to get turnt up!!!

    1. n8ball2013


      maybe your boy biebs will be there too!

    2. Trey_Dog650
    3. Rebel4055


      Everyone in my town has a hard on for mac miller. Even my buddy had me order a shirt forr him...

  12. Girls take forever to get ready.

    1. ineeDBass419


      then hurry your slow ass up

    2. Emmet


      Bet your regretting that sex change now huh?

  13. When people use this smily face :-) instead of this one :) it really grinds my gears. Lol

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. Rebel4055



  14. Who wants to go for a cruise with me blarring music ignorantly loud with all the windows down?

    1. Omega5002


      And that's why people hate on bassheads :|

    2. HatersGonnaHate




      You stated it in the status... Fucking ignorant.

  15. i love being able to email pics of my math hw to my teacher lol

    1. Emmet


      Im seriously beginning to think your like 12.

    2. IBleedMusick


      :rofl: I thought he was like 12.
  16. the fact i think my bass screwed up my ipod.... i cant even be mad lol

  17. watching cars 2 cuz im a child at heart

  18. things that really grind my gears, when people act like they know anything about car audio and say they blew out their windows... smh -_- haha

    1. wheres the flex at

      wheres the flex at

      Heard that today, "My friend's buddy blew out his back glass with 2 15s" haha

  19. this is awkward...

    1. Emmet


      You realised you have a vagina?

  20. i hate when i get a new ipod and have to put music on it -_-

    1. Omega5002


      I hate when I own the biggest ipod, and have it full already due to Flac.

  21. ready for.... dayglow cinci!

  22. Fighting over girls in college... Classic

    1. OrionStang


      Why fight over them? There are so many to go around.

  23. Omg she liked my pic she must want to date me

    1. Omega5002


      Enticing tale, Brethren

  24. this girl just liked my picture, im gonna poke it

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