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Everything posted by Nine8SST

  1. http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/mono-amplifiers/115570-sundown-saz-1200d.html
  2. I'm gonna be away for a few days, not sure if I will be able to get online or not...i'll take my computer just in case!! Take care everyone!

  3. I miss having access to a CNC! I'm gonna start researching home made ones!

  4. Hell yea....I bet they will get flooded when they give us that first coupon code.....hell, I think I have something like 25 sonic bux sitting there too.
  5. You can get a brand new or used DC Level 3 12" and something like a used AQ, or Fosgate amp (something that does rated power) and still have enough money left over to get an amp wiring kit and build a box, and still be under your budget!
  6. Yea, dont waste your time searching...US Composites is the lowest price.
  7. Welcome Sonic, been a long time customer. Wes always hooks it up!
  8. Sometimes, you just have to scream FUCK at the top of your lungs!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. IBleedMusick
    3. KillaCam


      I do it on the reg.

    4. MrSkippyJ


      i wish i could do that to my students. i think i would scare the kiddies though.

  9. If you cant find him you can just refund the payment at no charge. That happened to me on ebay once, the lady didn't realize she paid me twice and it was as simple as a click to send it back.
  10. Yea I wanna see it...I saw the crazy excursion you had it doing.
  11. Yes it sure is....I probably wont murder it as bad as you did though LOL
  12. One down, one to go.....I was definitely over thinking this LOL! i think the trickiest part is the dust cap, just because of the potential for it to look shitty if it's off or if there's too much glue.
  13. According to his "shop intro" here on SMD, he owns Savage Customs and does all the work out of his garage. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/113475-savage-customs-in-houston-tx/page__hl__%2Bsavage+%2Bcustoms__fromsearch__1 OP....how much are you out if you were to put a cash replacement value on it? In some states there is a fine line between felony and misdemeanor depending on the value of the item(s). And he (Chris Lun) has openly acknowledged having your property in his possession, and he has also admitted he had noy yet held up his end of the deal. So, I wonder if you might have some kind of legal recourse in this situation?
  14. Ok, so I read through it all. So, basically CA to one surface and activator to the other.
  15. I hate to sound like a complete noob, but the accelerator will work through the foam? I don't fully understand the chemistry of CA, but is it not necessary for the accelerator to come into physical contact with the CA?
  16. I have CA for the spider...are you saying I should use CA for the surround and dust cap as well? Sitting here in front of me I have CA, accelerator, goop, and black rubber glue.
  17. I'm about to do my recones right now and I have a couple last minute questions. I already have them all cleaned and prepped and ready to go. People who use goop, are you using it per the package instructions? Apply it to both surfaces then clamping them together after they are tacky? People who use rubber glue, do ypou spread it around the surround with your finger, or just lay a bead and let the clamps spread it. I know this sounds monor, but I'm just a bit ocd when it comes to doing shit the right way.
  18. Sometimes......you just have to roll with the punches!

  19. The law office mentioned is not listed, licensed, affiliated, or in any way even acknowledged by the State Bar of Texas. The person who sent you that email is either seriously uneducated, or thinks you are dumb enough to fall for a "cease and desist" being delivered to a PM inbox. By the way, he punctuates at about a third grade level which does not jive considering the number of essays, research papers, etc...required to obtain a law degree.
  20. Sometimes......you just have to roll with the punches!

  21. LOL...you got all that just from a picture? I'm scared of what you would judge me as from my pic.
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