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Everything posted by Kyblack76

  1. I ran into the same problem,... My stock HU band passes the signals to each pair of drivers... Do you have some 6x9's in the rear deck? Maybe they are receiving a low(er) signal you could pull from..
  2. MMM, MMM, MMM.... very nice,... one of my pipe dream drivers....
  3. Home stretch-ish,... nice work, and stoked for the finish..... looks great ..... really really dig it...the black and blue is killer i think.......
  4. No worries,.....i dont care how its scored,...... ... i just wanna jam.....well done man... can i ask what gear you got rolling around in there?.. (shameless plug)...
  5. Nice job man,... Dc in Alaska eh??... (be ready for every swinging dick in the joint to ask how it was scored bro)
  6. Im with CJ,.. if ya want stability, add bats... i think what your running is fine,.. but, if ya wanna hold tighter,. build a bigger bank
  7. cool,... stoked for ya... and yes, TINT that bad boy,...... nice... and grats man... (dunno if there is anything cooler,really better feeling, in the free world, than a person grabbing a vehicle for themselves) cheers bro...
  8. cool beans... and "not that exciting" to you, is our wet dream ....soooooooooo, we hope to make it....... keep a daily bump on this bro,...
  9. I think it will be if everyone can handle the heat here in Havasu. Right,... still, looks like great fuggin fun,.... and, we are only a state away .... plans are in the work to get down there..... Mike, ??? are ya gonna have a vehicle of your own there ?????? ...christ, we would make the trip, just for that...............
  10. From THE man himself,... Dig it.. Show looks like a blast,...
  11. With that, Im believing youll be more than fine,... Side note- I gotta say the panels (all of em) look bitchin... Period....
  12. Robert no doubt has a point,.... there isnt a damn thing wrong with HERTZ...zero,.....get loud, and sound good doin it.... we may be here forever???
  13. Oh, shit,??? really??.. god damn, thats what im looking for... damn... i want some in my hands....... edit - ( i got a little lost) AT the OP,....... again,... IBLEED makes a shit ton of sence....as per.....
  14. That's on me... I saw " disregard" and just tossed it out there.. IBM is correct in, that a price range, and also knowing the size your running in the current location would be good info to help...
  15. These come in 8 or 4ohm... and i have never seen or heard em... but look great... . and want some of my own...being they are rebuildable, seems very neat.. http://www.rockfordf...x?itemid=223202 Theres a shit ton out there man....let us know what way ya lean and good luck
  16. "You both even acted shitty towards C-fiz in the beginning... " Thats what bugged me,.... that, and you were the face of this forum to the others for a spell..... nothing at all of which most of the memebers on this site act like... I like this forum because of its people...and feel its a privilege to even be on here, and to meet cool cats on here,.. as well, as have them share their projects, and knowledge... .. Its cool, but,................................................................................. just remember next time......
  17. Looks awesome,... I could see the glue from here!! Really,... Monster driver .... Really really liking it., and waiting for some through put!!..
  18. Just unhook em at the amp, and see if the amp comes up, and the protect light stays down......
  19. Hmmm... what numbers you hitting with that????.....just playing,... Un hook your subs, and see if it will at least stay up...... again.... good luck...
  20. good luck,... its either impedance, or voltage,......unless the amp is fubar, but if it was cool, then took a dump all of the sudden... maybe you have some speaker cables touching.... and throwing the amp into protect... time to pray...
  21. Unplug all your speaker outputs as well.... see if that will keep it on...
  22. Meh,.... They only smashed second place by over double digits.... Well done!!...
  23. thanks man... is the one and same unit you use ????.... if so, it can obviously take a damn beating..... and at around 300 bones,.... is that what we should expect to pay??? thanks Tc420 (side note - your videos are me and the old ladys favorite, we just dig the hell outta em man....laugh the whole time through)
  24. hmmmm... thats a thought.. thanks man.. is this a fairly older model that can be had for a decent price tag?? .... And, also,..... Just so its known for the wants over on our end, and just what we want... i dont think the HD is nessacary,.......we arent real concerned with picking up flex, as, we are gonna try and kill or eliminate that, but more on the sound reproduction. We also understand that with levels that high, it wont sound like roses, but, the 3 different cameras we have tried, just buzz on the low "hits". Even if we walk a good distance away. I mean, you cant even watch/hear it. Its pointless. Anyway, we appreciate the opinions and comments...please, keep em coming... and i think we will pick one up mid week.... again, a older, even used unit is fine for us......
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