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Everything posted by Namosh

  1. Nothing Amazing Way to sell it! You must be in advertising. waiting for more pics...
  2. Well, that's a meaty dowel allright....if you have some left over you can make a nice baseball bat!
  3. A round dowel will have minimal effect on air flow. Stopping the flex would be worth it. ....and damn! That's a big dowel rod!
  4. lol you have to go public, and they will take the video from the store if you don't lol. make up. Meaning you wore makeup when you bought your tickets? Some states let you claim anonymously. And there are ways to do it in other states. I damn sure wouldn't be like the people who stand up with the big check and give a press conference. They are just asking to be targeted.
  5. I'm only putting 600 in it for all 4 15's, both amps, a brand new battery, and a capacitor. But I'll just resell the capacitor. Now the Hard part fitting 4 of them in an accord trunk Yeah, good luck with that!
  6. I got my tickets....Don't worry Roscoe, I'll pass you some cash if I win.
  7. Looks to me like 15" T4's...they are 1000rms The amp looks like a PCA2000d....2000rms @ 1ohm
  8. I can't tell ya how awesome it is to even see someone mention ST on this site! Suicycomuthafucka!
  9. As long as the Chiefs and Patriots exit early, I'll be happy.
  10. Unless you have no interest in ever getting more into car audio you should really at least attempt to build a box yourself. You don't need a fancy shop to do it.
  11. Will Castro was a douchebag, but I really loved Unique Whips. One of the very few reality shows that I would watch. Some really nice work came out of that shop....and extremely overpriced for extremely overpaid "celebrities"!
  12. Ohhhhh Kayyy? A long, really distorted dance club track and a bunch of random pics of crazy installs? I don't get it.
  13. Better get that sucka out before the city crews come around. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt_r-jO3lKE
  14. He's good. I've never actually heard of people getting a bad design from him...from anybody that I believe, that is.
  15. How is he supposed to get wall building experience without building a wall? EDIT: ^^^beat me to it
  16. That's not the point. The reason they are doing this is just to put the ability in place to MONITOR and REGULATE what everyone is doing on the net. It won't be long until the FCC is deciding what content is acceptable.
  17. What do you mean IF? This has already passed. It is just the first step. The end game is for total control of the content YOU can access over the web.
  18. I suggest you add this as your conclusion. The average human produces 8.4 tons of carbon dioxide each year. The only logical course of action would be for all concerned tree-huggers to self terminate immediately....for the planet's sake.
  19. What do you want checked? Just want it proofread or do you care how misleading all of your information is?
  20. I feel the same way about FedEx. I've had them deliver packages to the wrong house too. If I can't use UPS, I usually just won't make the order.
  21. I'm going to try and make some next season, and your more then welcome to hear it. Where in KS are you? I'm an hour north of KC.
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