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Status Updates posted by TylerParrish

  1. Went to another installer today to get a job. He told me a battery bank is of no help and that I need 2 300+ amp alts and no battery bank to support my 4500.....ohh, and that if it isn't German made (JL), that it ain't shit.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TylerParrish


      Yep.....I know a lot of shop owners are full of shit, not all, but all the ones I know.

    3. HunterJohnson


      you need a demo vehicle to show him how its done

    4. HunterJohnson


      you need a demo vehicle to show him how its done

  2. Just saw an old lady hit a car while pulling into a handicapped spot. She then backed up (both cars were dented, the old woman's pretty badly), and drove off like nothing ever happened.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptorman


      Fuckin old people man. It's worse in Florida. (Gods waiting room.)

    3. TylerParrish


      nope , no license plate. Just know it was a red cadi. Coupe DeVille I believe.

  3. Sooo glad I didn't sell the VVX as a sub. Opened er on up and the coil was a nice shade of gray for the most part >_> I know which of my subs was being clipped now.

    1. Raptorman


      Post some pics doe.

    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      To a certain extent it could still be ok.  I got my SA-12 coil to change color but read fine on meter and played fine.

  4. How do you steer friends away from buying cheap ass PA Mofo's and talk him into saving up and spending his money on something decent?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hellbound Train

      Hellbound Train

      You talk him into it by buying an alternator. Lol. You definitely have to pay to play in this game.

    3. TylerParrish


      Yeah, I tried explaining electrical to him. Everytime i ask him what his electrical plans are, he says "0 gauge"....sooo.....I've got a lot of work to do

  5. How much should a sub's motor normally sell for?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TylerParrish


      haha, i've got the whole sub, but the basket is fucked up and someone was lookin to buy the motor

    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      yeah i just seen damn man you did that mounting it:?!?! lol

      well figure a recone from skar is 40-50 bucks and im sure kevin can get a basket for 20ish so id say 40-60 dunno tho

    4. TylerParrish


      It's okay, I won't be needing the sub anymore, great starter sub, but upgrade time has come

  6. I love the DD-1. I wish I had the privilege of owning one.

  7. When did all this butt hurt get here?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TylerParrish


      Same. Ill read it, but that's as far as I go. Not about to get in said shit storm yet again.

    3. Miguels


      im glad that thread is dead

    4. TylerParrish


      hell yeah, me too. Gave me actually quite a bit of info.....that people who get butt hurt easily shouldn't use the internet.

  8. Damn, have a system for one day and the car goes in the shop.

    1. WastedTalent


      What'd you break/blow up now?

  9. Psshhh, and my parents think I spend a lot on car audio. They should just be happy I'm not a JL nuthugger, or else I'd forever be broke.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TylerParrish


      Sickening....I spent less than that on my Mustang!

    3. Omega5002


      Me too, and since his dad bought his car, a 2010 Lancer, he treats it like shit, car's always in the shop cause he keeps burning his clutch or something like that. Also, since he refuses to put any deadening, his W7's are destroying his car, he already have scratches around his bump area.

      My car maybe old, and few things don't work here and there, but I treat a hell of a lot better than he does his.

    4. TylerParrish


      Sounds like a spoiled rotten little fucker, I wish I had parents like that, but I guess I'd never anything about real life that way though

  10. I have this odd feeling I'm gonna spend more money in wood and materials trying to get everything looking just right than I will on subs, amps, and electrical.

    1. HypnotizedMind 91666
    2. Socky


      but in the end, you will enjoy that box for it has costed you. Dont let the cost scare you, do what you want.

    3. mikelbolton


      That's almost true for me, lol... Google sketchup everything you wanna do... then you'll have a visual cue of how you want everything to look.  I was able to get pretty tight tolerances on exactly what I wanted/needed by drawing it out.

      GL, and lemme know if I can help at all.

  11. Why does everyone wanna hang out when I'm tryin to do shit to the car?

    1. Omega5002


      Have them help with your car

    2. Omega5002


      Have them help with your car

  12. Got my car back on the road, got a 4500, got a shit ton of alcohol and money, good days will be good.

    1. OrionStang


      Don't fuck it up by drinking and driving.

      Have safe and fun B-day man!!

    2. TylerParrish


      naw, no driving tonight man, no worries, it was one of the rules by my friend's parents which i respect. And thanks man, its been one of my best birthdays yet

  13. fuck yeahhh, 18

    1. Ballen194
    2. WastedTalent


      SMH Ballen. Giggity at a dude? Lol.

    3. Raptorman


      Signed on at school just for this, but congrats my dude! I can't wait to turn 18 in February. Hope you have an awesome day bro.

  14. 1/5th a jack and the whole night for my car, time to see how this is gonna turn out :D

  15. I hate shipping company's, make up your mind and quit changing the date of when my shit will get here

  16. N8 butthurt me today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Omega5002
    3. Kyblack76


      Your fine....

      N8 is as understanding as they come.... Dont sweat it. ,, hell, at least you have your opinion... That's respectable...

    4. TylerParrish


      haha, thanks man, but I'm not worried about it, just tried to get my point across is all....people tend to be stubborn, I know I can be.

  17. Anyone in NC with a DD-1? Tyler is willing to make a drive.

  18. USPS, why you no tell the truth?!


    1. Omega5002
    2. TylerParrish


      teehee, its worse than a nymphomania....my seat belt wont work :(

    3. Endgame
  20. Why is deadening such a pain in the ass?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      I did mine barehanded with scissors. Nothing like applying 16sqt of deadener to my hatch one 4x4 piece at a time!

    3. TylerParrish


      i just applied 30 + sq ft, no gloves, rubbing alcohol, cute galore, sounds like everyone else is the pussy xD jk, that shit is burning right now

    4. Socky


      no your just dumb lol, ima use gloves so i dont have to feel it, i work with my hands everyday so i cant have them cut up, or its a pain until its healed.

  21. Got insurance back, that's step one... Thursday is steps 2 and 3, get the plates and license, then this guy will have a car again! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TylerParrish


      other way around, friday is the big day, even if all that good shit happens thursday xD

    3. WastedTalent


      Oh, so I got all of today and tomorrow then? Alright. Lol.

    4. TylerParrish


      hell yeah man xD and ive got all of tomorrow to do a lottt of designing and cutting....

  22. Well, goin with BL 10's for the price point, will be trying some Z's once the money is right. Now...dual 1's or 2's (0.7's or 1.4's)?

    1. OrionStang


      Do d1's, wire to 1 ohm, and play   reliable.

    2. TylerParrish


      Well, it'd be wired to 0.7 ohms, but the dual 1's are what i was lookin at too. Just gotta get the electrical up to par first.

  23. What's some decent 10's that can take 2k daily?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      bls without options could take it if you did it right (smaller box/clean power)

      im sure talking to them they could ugrade the spiders/cooling and they would rate it closer if not above 2k (for piece of mind)

    3. TylerParrish


      might just do that if i can't get ahold of some of the guys at Sundown anytime soon, just need to know how muc it's all gonna cost and then save up.

    4. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      ALOT if you plan on pushing 4k rms daily lol

      but you know that :D

  24. Strange Music....you are now my favorite.

    1. akustoms


      all day all night!!

    2. TylerParrish


      I've listened to Tech N9ne for a while now, how I haven't listened to the rest of the crew idek

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