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Status Updates posted by iwannabeloud

  1. I like to judge my nights by the amount of glitter on my face when I get home. The more glitter, the better the night was.

    1. WastedTalent


      Just remember, sometimes you remove the glitter and reveal some sores. Thankfully, not speaking from personal experience.

  2. The Go Daddy "Perfect Match" commercial was the worst one in my opinion.

    1. soundstream15


      i agree, kids dont need to see someone making out like that, it wasnt funny at all

  3. I swear it seems to me that the Crossfire XSv2 is the most over hyped sub out today.  I get it's a great sub but damn...

    1. Bigsix


      Its like that with a lot of things tho man... you get nuthuggers that are blind, that always spout that product "x" is the shit and nothing else compares..

  4. Do you think it's worth $100 to compete in Dueling Demos at the world finals?

    1. iwannabeloud


      This is the only class I could compete in and I thinking about it.

  5. GAME CHANGER!!!!!

    1. OrionStang



      How bout some details.

  6. I would have never thought I would see DD Audio and VVME in the same sentence.

  7. I freaking love Fi built subs!

    1. Kyblack76


      meh.. garbage ...

  8. I wonder if Fi will ever offer a new BTL serires.......

  9. Does anybody know the size of the coil on the SA-8 V2?

  10. From now on when I sale on craigslist, I'm going to start telling people to meet me in the police department parking lot.

  11. Noob Question; Can I send a full signal to a tweeter that has an 12db inline crossover or do I need to use the high pass on the amp?

    1. audiofanaticz


      Yes, if the inline crossover you use fits the needs for the tweeter you will be fine. If the crossover is a lower freq then what the tweeter needs you may risk blowing it.

  12. I love DC's carbon fiber cones, but I don't want to pay the price for it lol.

  13. It's about to get good....

  14. WTF, did you make this profile just to talk shit & be a "hater" ?

  15. When is that new AA sub supposed to be released?

  16. I want to meet Scott from Fi before I die.

  17. I want to meet Scott from Fi some day

  18. How wide is the DC7.5k?

  19. Tire Kickers & Post Dumpers.......

  20. I absolutely love the Corvette C7

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