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Borris The Blade

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Status Replies posted by Borris The Blade

  1. I Just got the word from Mike Singer that my alt is capable up to a 5k rms system, in which My original plans was for a 3.5k system, so even when I'm ready to upgrade back to my normal plans, I will have a BEAST at hand!!! Can we Say HIGHLY UNDERRATED !!! Kylar You was not BS'n my dude!!!! This Singer Alt is a BEAST!!!

  2. Long ago, but you guys remember, when a question about subs, went in the sub forum. When a question about amps, went in the amp section??. So on & so on.

  3. check out my youtube chan all. its, gofuckyouryoutube channel. Enjoy!

  4. Anyone know of a place that lends money to those who have bad credit? Trying to get a loan of about $600 so I can pay my rent and avoid getting evicted. Serious need of help.

  5. Well I was able to wake up, thats a good thing. Time to suck todays dick.

  6. Pizza + Ketchup.....I don't know why but its a good combo...

  7. Anyone ever eat a raw honeycomb? Always wanted to try one, Just that bees make me sick if i get stung.

  8. Man working 2230-0730 sucks donkey ballz!!!

  9. Man working 2230-0730 sucks donkey ballz!!!

  10. Man working 2230-0730 sucks donkey ballz!!!

  11. So fucking sick of my tax monies going to welfare and food cards and free housing for stupid lazy bitches. Fucking cunt bought $45 of junk food at the SHell station today using her EBT. My sister hasn't paid fucking rent is 5 years becauses she has 3 kids and s single. I want to punch these bitches straight in the mouth. I see my sister tomorrow, gonna be a scene, guaranteed.

    1. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      I got low-income housing next to me, and pisses me off when one has a CTS and a G6 in the driveway and the next to it has a 07+ Saab 9-5. Good to see are tax dollars going to good use.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. dumb question. what would a AQ2200.1 2ohm load be ? i need a rough number guess

  13. I miss the days when you could vote or enter a contest without godamn having to like or add shit with FB :(

  14. OH.. MY GOD...... its GOOOOOOOOOD

  15. If i was to unload my BNIB 10k, would there be some interest?

  16. i got the job at harbor freight, all i can say is my sleeping schedule is going to be screwed

    1. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      Try swing shift. I get a different

      shift every 7 days.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  17. Breaking bad season 5 is officially on Netflix today!!!!

    1. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      Last I checked all the other seasons is still on Netflix.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  18. Breaking bad season 5 is officially on Netflix today!!!!

  19. Sucks when your day off is to clean the house run errands and do laundry

  20. Perfect day to be fishing....... sadly I am not.

  21. When people call you back after you give them the estimate on how much its going to cost to fix their car, and say I can get this part for $xxx why are you charging me $xxx

  22. Im a bass head with a crack head budget.

  23. A kid who went to my school tried to commit suicide last week finally went last night,Sad stuff, was only 16

  24. dad's drinking vodka, mixing resin, cutting fiberglass, dear God protect my box.

  25. Lol at anyone expecting anything Kanye does to be good

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