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Status Replies posted by Leo1103

  1. apparently sanding while sick is a bad idea lol

  2. Just got some terrible news.  I took my car in cause the heater wasn't working right, taking way too long to heat up.  They checked that an went through the engine and found rust on spark plug # 2 and in chamber #2.  THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!

  3. Dear liver I am sorry for what I put you through this weekend

  4. Havent owned a game console since Dreamcast...just finally bought a Xbox 360 250gb on ebay.  It's all my brothers do and since I don't live with them figured I could play with them online.  Game recommendations?  I've played a 360 at their house and liked Halo 4 and Forza.

  5. Should I wall the Civic?

  6. About to go check out skyhighcaraudio's monster truck LOL. Sweet.

  7. how many cubes does a single 15 need for a 4th order? trying to look at what will fit before I commit to an idea for a build

  8. damn this cold weather, fiberglass is still drying 8 hours later...

  9. Waiting on n8 to fuck someones world up over the internet is such a fun wait.

  10. My wife is going to freak out if she gets the mail tomorrow. Ive got 6 packages coming.

  11. Need more electrical and no room to support it. FML

  12. Scored some sick gear off whiskey militia....snowboard jacket..pants..new shirt...backpack..and some fresh goggles...

  13. Scored some sick gear off whiskey militia....snowboard jacket..pants..new shirt...backpack..and some fresh goggles...

  14. At a DAMN Elementary ???  Why there of all places!?!?!

  15. At a DAMN Elementary ???  Why there of all places!?!?!

  16. Well, goodbye wisdom teeth, hello week of liquid food, meds, and sleep.

  17. does d'amore still make the vu din? cant seem to find it on the website.

  18. Absolutely done hooking people up. I have done nothing but sell high end items for dirt fucking cheap, but no more. Can't trust anybody. So fuck everybody. ou want my gear, PAY for it.

  19. Absolutely done hooking people up. I have done nothing but sell high end items for dirt fucking cheap, but no more. Can't trust anybody. So fuck everybody. ou want my gear, PAY for it.

  20. is it just me or is the site acting funny?

  21. its open season on tablet installs lately

  22. new comedy comein called movie 43 check it out

  23. 8 am history sucks ass until the professor starts. talking about Clinton gettin a bj in office.

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