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Everything posted by qu1cks1lver56

  1. damn steve your skills are fucking awsome. i love the rounded edge on the box, and how you do your carpeting. my carpeting looks like shit, i need to take some notes.
  2. shit you got you a keeper, a girl that works under the hood and in the trunk, shit thats hard to beat
  3. hey how bout some pics of them out of the boxes and installed?
  4. yea lexicon costs a shitload, but the denons are nice as hell.
  5. i like the look of terminal cup, makes the box look finished IMO. but when you cant see the wires in the 1st place(on alot of installs anyway) why bother with them, just use bolts
  6. if the subs are rated at 400rms a piece then find an 800rms amp. your price is a little low, i was gonna reccomend a RF but anything in that power range seems a little high
  7. lmao we had one of the rolls and left it rolled up and lit it, DAMN it was loud
  8. shit i didnt even think about that, havent dealt with vapor lock in a loonnnggg time. i dont remember what we did on our old motorhome to get it to quit doin that.
  9. contribute to someone else's party
  10. yea, i actually run some in my stuff every few fill ups, with the shit they put in the gas today it dont hurt at all. i went from using it to not using it (ran out) and saw a drop in fuel mileage
  11. thats weird, but just for shits and giggles, go buy some lucan fuel treatment and put in your tank, and run it for a while and see if it helps
  12. try replacing the thermostat and putting a good bead of silicon around your water pump and see if that doesnt stop it
  13. journey, pink floyd, michael mcdonald, eagles, some metallica off of the ...and justice for all cd, theres more i cant think of
  14. look at ear subs they have an amp thats powered by 2 AAA batts. i have some, and they are loud as fuck. but i prefer my skullcandy's, better quality edit: site - http://www.headbangeraudio.com/ or if you want the best get some ultimate ears triple fi 10's
  15. idk where they are/were, but ive seen a few of them around. last week i saw one in a parking lot. damn that thing was nice
  16. +1 FTMFW i listen to pantera when i work out, really gets me going edit: Hot Rod Lincoln!
  17. Pensacola, lol Choppers INC makes some nice ass bikes, ive seen a few riding around here
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