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Everything posted by WastedTalent

  1. It's not that we're better, we are fucked up. But we do have a few good things and we strive to be better. Exceptionalism is only bad if you are blind and have no humility.

  2. I'm getting it. Think my name is... well, honestly, don't matter what my name is because ps4? Imma make a new one. Not a fan of what mine is currently so yeah lol. But all I have reserved right now (besides the console obviously) is BF4. Not sure if I'll get anything else, as trying to hit the credit card before my 0% goes away.
  3. Well, starting the process to snitch on old job. Harassment and wage issues. Let's see what happens...

  4. Everywhere I go, people looking at me funny cause the music is too turned up as I ride through the city. So ignant but you listenin, that bass loud when I'm ridin through. (J Reyez - Turn it up)

  5. wccaraudio@gmail if i'm not mistaken. should be on the site (i'd check to make sure, i can be wrong)
  6. Email him and ask. Get results quicker that way. Heads up.
  7. Well, found my first LOCAL meade hater. All I can do is shake my head.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Just talkin shit bout Meade. We know Meade, great guy. Even if you don't support his products for whatever reason, has damn good character.

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      I love meeting those people. Or the opposite of Meade haters saying how he hits 194 db in his Tahoe on 40 thousand wattszzzzz

    4. thefourth


      Haters will do what they do best... Hate.

  8. I've played COD since cod4 and, well, since bo2 is absolutely horrid? taking a pass on this shit. I only got cod4 cause I heard it was like "the" war game to get. It wasn't bad, I was not let down. But the lag, the fact they're just pushing games out to make money and don't even give a crap about the game? I'll pass. I pre-ordered the ps4 with bf4. Just... no. I haven't even seen a trailer (I know they posted in this thread but didn't hit play) due to bo2 sucking that bad.
  9. Well, I just saw something that definitely gives me courage/the fight to do 2 jobs. A supposed 4 year time frame difference in paying off car.

  10. I can only give my input and all but I believe some type of shipping discount would be most beneficial for most. We all know how much this or that costs but then we see the shipping and sometimes, we have to change our drawers haha. Not that you as a company make a cent off shipping costs but, just my 2 cents.
  11. Today is day #1 of new job. Let's hope it goes well.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Good luck man. That first day is awkward. Can be a lil un nerving. But, thats life. Go get it yo ...

    3. Purplehaze


      First day is the worst day... just remember that and you will be fine!

    4. WastedTalent


      Always is the worst cause of the paperwork. Filling out the I-9, the W-4 (does anyone actually know how to fill one out properly? or always just guess? lmfao), employee handbook type crap, ect ect... But went well.

  12. Certified mode (test stops @ 1% distortion) 980 watts Non-Certified Mode (test stops @ Clipping) 805 watts Dynamic Burst RMS (test stops @ Clipping) 859 watts
  13. Just found this out... Old, but new to me... May have to go check on him. http://gazette.com/article/705255

    1. WastedTalent


      Just seems like bad news upon bad news comes my way... tryin to keep my head up and smile but damn. I'm honestly not sure how much more I can take...

    2. ProMaxx316


      Keep your head up man.

  14. Well, job search.....over.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Colo. I honestly haven't been picky as I just browsed Craigslist and literally applied for anything I could do and would fit my time schedule as I don't want to quit my other job, unless of course I can find a job that pays enough where I don't need 2 jobs. And where I live, literally, tons of jobs. Checked the other day and 600+ jobs posted by 1 pm. Granted, some were duplicates, some are probably fake and nothing, but I've checked around the country and I do believe I have o...

    3. OrionStang


      So, Colorado is where the jobs are at, Huh? Might start looking there.

    4. WastedTalent


      No lie, I can get someone (anyone that's reliable) a job like nothing. 8 hours a day (It'd be split up, only bad part). Just... gotta re-locate here. And they won't pay for it. Lol. $9/hr. Just needs me as a recommendation and chances are 99% job is yours. They're going through temps like crazy because they can't find someone reliable and isn't a complete retard. Losing me will be a BIG hit to them. I have enough pull (until I quit) that I got someone transferred...

  15. I saw a vid about the ps4 and how it's not all that great. Was saying that the graphics of the ps4 games can be done on the ps3, just developers won't do it because it costs money. Look at all the series games that come out every year or so like cod. Graphics are similar. If you skip a few games, it improves greatly but black ops to mw3 to black ops 2? Not much change. Cod4 to black ops 2? A lot of change. Just the better the graphics, the more money it costs. So when the standard for games is so low, why spend the extra money to make it look so much better? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzerU6PVTV8 Whether ya think hater or not, idc. It's the next gen, it's what we're getting whether we like it or not. I have mine pre-ordered and keeping it. Not selling it so eh. Just throwing that out there.
  16. They have to. I mean, it takes tons of money to build them. If they released one every year to keep up, they'd lose out on money. I mean how many people are just now buying their first 360 or ps3? And yet it's how old? lol. Even after the new console comes out, people still buy the old one. Hell, PS2's as of basically January 1st of this year were still being made. Dec 28 (close enough to jan 1st) was when they stopped making them. yet compare the technology of the ps2 to computer technology of December 28 2012. a lot changed, ps2 is so outdated. People buy, can't afford the newest. I definitely don't blame them. Smart move, keep making and selling the old thing because it is making you money.
  17. I'm curious what these "bugs" are you all speak of. I bought ps3 very close to launch. Only problem I had? Black Ops 1. Was on a killing rampage then it decided to get the YLOD. So when was it launched? '06 or something like that? To whenever Black Ops 1 came out (plus few months since it wasn't right when the game came out that my shit decided to fail)? And 0 issues? Correct me if I'm wrong but even newer versions of the ps3 have the YLOD so, yeah. And as everyone else says... no one can say if the ps4 is worth it or not. No one's played it or anything. Just speculation of what it will be like. As far as the removeable drive? Yes, it'll have one. I saw it on some vid on YT and it's around the internet. A few facts... 500GB hd and all.
  18. Well, let the owner love me cause then, I got me a new job. If not? Well, then, I have 2 other interviews.

    1. OrionStang


      What kinds of places are you applying at?

    2. WastedTalent


      Anything I'm able to do. This job that I say hope the owner loves me? Is a shredding place. One that'll come to you, pick up your papers, shred it, ect. Applying for data entry, receptionist, warehouse, literally ANYTHING I can do.

    3. HypnotizedMind 91666
  19. Peyton, if I remember my login crap... I'll add you (if you haven't added me, idk my # thing yeah)... and if you're on, hit me up. Idk if Kevo ever helped ya out. As long as I'm awake, I'm down. If I'm not on, shoot me a message on here. I pay attention to my phone and any PM = email = phone going off. Lol. so as long as i'm not asleep, i'm down. Just do have a concert to go to (dk who the hell it is. someone offered me a free ticket and said hella girls will be there so I'm going lol) in the evening.
  20. So had to pass on that job. Makes no sense. So continue to look for another full time job while workin 60ish hrs a week, plus school, plus other crap. Hard working 24 yr old no?

    1. WastedTalent


      And by make no sense I mean work 40 hrs a week instead of 60, for a lower pay. No thanks. Trying to get more money, not cost myself more.

    2. ghostrider59927
  21. That's like me Torres. Idk mine... think it's primotrip89. but idk. and idk wtf the #'s are for you guys lol.
  22. Wanna rush me as well kevo? Rush me to some loot? lol. jk. reason i mainly stopped playing is i "time-out"... those damn freezes. i'll be good, doin good, then as i'm attackin... freezes for like 2 seconds. then it unfreezes and yeah. that's reason i stopped. it's cool when i can handle it... like nightmare. but mp5? inferno? no thanks.
  23. When will luck finally go my way? Going on interview 12 I do believe. Not looking for anything special, just anything.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. WastedTalent


      Maybe I should be a lil more specific. A 40 hour job that will comply with my current 40 hour job. Yes, a 24 year old that's wanting 2 full time jobs, 80 hours a week, on top of school. And Orion, I may. Been trying other stuff but no good so far. Except for jobs I can't have.

    4. Nick580


      Good Luck man

  24. won't lie. won't be until this weekend. if even then. go some big school projects goin on and busy all week. lol.
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