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Everything posted by WastedTalent

  1. awsome man just an FYI the 19th is FridayGreat to see you guys hooking people up with a sale And the only reason i know its friday cus thats my BDAY Ric, check the date. JANUARY.
  2. can't beat free though. do it yourself. that's my plan this weekend... depending on weather.
  3. High 60's this weekend. Sound deadening this weekend looks likely. Time to get rid of what I call The Jackhammer, gotta read the lease first. Think I remember something about no car stuff in there.

  4. Chillin with 2 water bottles sortin music. When you got not one but two water bottles? You know it was a good night.

    1. ImaNoob


      Why stop now, Fight fire with fire..Drink Moar !!

  5. I'll just say in response to that Steve, if you ain't right? You know people who are. I've seen you admit plenty of times that you just flat out dk or want other's opinions and so you get help. To me, that's where you're so right.
  6. He was on the meter that's why he did But he didn't even give out demos when people asked him all he would say is sponsor me Yes I was their I wouldnt give out demos??? all I kept saying is sponsor me? Thats the dumbest shit Ive heard. First off I dont need a sponsor, second the only time demos got cut off was an hour before my spl runs, to charge batteries. I dont go to comps to be Mr Hide my shit from the world, there isnt anything that hasnt been seen or done before. when the subs get rebuilt with aluminum parts (in the works) I'll gladly give anyone a demo! Minus the sparks. true. i actually saw him demo'ing several times. Hey madvibes, how does it feel to be me for 2 seconds and have someone lie on the internet and make shit up for no apparent reason, just to make you look bad? LOL my daily routine. Steve, that's when you know that you're doing things right. When people gotta talk trash and try to bring you down.
  7. Imma smoke some weed, I got $20 in my pockets. Imma huntin, I'm lookin for a pot shop, this is f'in awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Lol it's the thrift shop parody. I forget who does it but it's some so called comedian and song name is Pot Shop.

    3. Baydestrian


      LOL $20 at a club in SF will get you 1.5 of some good shit

    4. WastedTalent
  8. Well, what a week, and it's still not done. What else can happen? Updating thread Sat... will be worth the wait, stay tuned. I didn't forget, just no time.

  9. Finally got package from the FedEx/USPS combo. Now I have tracking for yet...ANOTHER... package from FedEx. Package every day this week? I think so.

  10. hating on you as of right now. just sent my subs out with my bed and a few other things. so wish i had the time to have put it together so that i could atleast of had a few days listening to it. No hate on me? havin one already and got my second one yesterday? Lol. Fed Ex didn't screw up that bad yesterday. They still delivered what I ordered from Steve. Just not my other shipment from another place... I can do you a favor too, when I go home, i can shoot a quick vid of both. both hooked up and such. lmfao.
  11. Got my vm1 (no extra adapter :( ) and then lost delivery date on other package. Wtf? Fedex, you suck.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ghostrider59927
    3. meade916


      its no big deal to take care of you guys in any way possible....i have no problem backing up the products and everything that comes from being in business. Plus you guys are my boys, i want you to be happy!

    4. WastedTalent


      And Keith, that's why I continue to be a SMD fan. I know Steve never rushes things (except my order ha!!) but always puts out top of the line quality products. I mean sure, only products I have of his are vm's but his entire product line is top notch. And then customer support? I'd have to say quite honestly, best out of any company. Up there with Verizon (We all know VZ has some tight customer service)

  12. Anyone ever feel like they gotta throw up but don't, so to get rid of that feeling you force yourself to in order to feel better? Think I may. Been about 8 hours feelin like this.

    1. TNichy


      I've done this before. It's all up to how badly you want to feel better IMO. Usually works for me

    2. n8ball2013


      drink lots of water. youll throw up

    3. Emmet


      8 hours? Fuck that... I thin I'd just make myself get sick then go get something to eat. I like food far too much to feel sick for that length of time...

  13. They say rap music is degrading to women but what I realized? Women that like rap, don't give a fuhk. They don't care what they sayin, if the beats alright, she'll dance all night.

  14. Refs are too biased these days. Duke can't go a play offensively or defensively without a foul. Even the man Reggie Miller is saying that Creighton should have more fouls than what they actually have.

    1. WastedTalent


      Now suddenly it's opposite. Creighton can't do anything without fouls. Reggie saying that too haha. "Oh wow, that's no foul."

  15. Hmm. One package here in Denver, but yet won't be delivered to Aurora until Tuesday? Lame!

  16. Finally got around to doing that thread I was talking about peeps. Check it out.

  17. Just wanted to throw this out there. Good week, potentially great week, next week. Too much stuff coming in, but nothing audio related. Depends on weather if I install. And Purple, get yo azz feelin better. Feel better man.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Wanna trade? Lol. 70 degrees to a blizzard...

    3. 8ight


      Its always an inferno where I live lol. Didn't know purplesyrup wasn't feeling well, wishing you the best too man.

    4. purplesyrup


      thanks guys, another pneumonia episode, ive gotten it a couple times really bad, now im just prone to getting it. sucks balls

  18. Not liking this new bank. Delaying my direct deposit(s). Usually was around 1 am. It's now 3 am and nothing. Only difference is the bank.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Well, Katt finally said going to bed at 430 am (my time) which caused the bank to get my paychecks and got paid. So roughly 430 or when Katt says he goin to bed.

    3. Raptorman


      I'm part of the Florida Suncoast Federal Credit Union. One of the best banks anyone could ever use. Check out your local credit union banks.

    4. WastedTalent


      Just opened this acc like 3 weeks ago. And ordered checks. Lol. Got $100 for signing up, literally. $100 free. Lol.

  19. All I can say is what others have said... Bad to the ass! Sexy as can be, and I'm def jelly over here. Great stuff.
  20. Use their vehicle application guide to figure out what fits. It'll be on the right hand side...
  21. I'm that much closer to graduating from college. Still 1 week left but 71.4/72 (99.17%) is my current grade. 100 total pts so getting AT LEAST a 71%. Not sure of current grade in other class.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. standardcabspl


      i feel you there...i still have 3 years too

    3. Bump4life


      and im a sophmore ahah

    4. WastedTalent


      I think I'm right around a sophmore. After these 2 classes, think I'm for sure a sophmore. Idk. It's university of phoenix where a freshman can be 60 years old and a senior can be 22. Doesn't matter to me haha. I just want to be done...

  22. What a day. Noob (myself) can tell when other so called "pros" from local area are full of it. Sad day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      According to "pro", you need negative bass to break windshields. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of all of what he said.

    3. Nates_Veloster


      tell me more of this negative bass? Is it just bass that is always pissy? Pessimistic bass perhaps?

    4. WastedTalent


      Idk. I was laughing to hard to listen.

  23. Uhm, no. No no no no no!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Video of said rollercoaster...

    3. Emmet


      That first one was pretty weak...

    4. Nates_Veloster


      I don't do coasters. No thanks.

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